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Corpus Christi College,
Perth, Australia

Fostering creativity to prepare students for the future.

1:1 iPad for
2:1 iPad and Mac for Educators and Leaders

Since 2012, Corpus Christi College, in Perth, Western Australia, has experienced great success with its student 1:1 iPad programme. In 2018, leadership realised that students needed more time to explore content deeply — playing with ideas, solving complex problems, experimenting and taking risks. This led to a bold new vision: to integrate creativity into the school as a key pillar of the curriculum and encourage learning beyond preparing for tests and exams.

With all the intuitive ways to create and express themselves on iPad, students are more engaged. They’re also developing the confidence and skills to address unknown challenges in unfamiliar situations, where answers aren’t readily available. And with new skills of their own, teachers are more energised to rethink learning and assessment — ensuring classrooms are more creative and students are more prepared for the real world.

“I believe iPad and Everyone Can Create is helping prepare students for their future, and more creative people in society will help the world move forwards. Creativity is at the heart of humanity.”
Jamie Clark Director of Digital Integration, Corpus Christi College


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