Sponsorship Opportunities

Learn more about sponsoring YALSA events and initiatives

Corporate sponsors make a real difference in the lives of teens. Watch this brief video to learn from teens themselves about the difference you could make as a sponsor. YALSA is dedicated to supporting teens and the library workers who serve them. Our future depends on today’s teens; however, research shows that as an age group teens (ages 12 – 18) receive the least financial support. Government, philanthropic and non-profit spending directed at teens lags far behind what is invested in children (birth through 11 years) and young adults (19 and up). Libraries are in a position to help teens prepare for a successful and productive adulthood, yet they are hindered by this lack of financial support. Won't you join YALSA in better equipping libraries so that all teens get the help and support they need to succeed?

Looking for ways to be a good corporate citizen? YALSA has you covered! YALSA provides a variety of meaningful opportunities for sponsorship throughout the year that can help companies meet their marketing or philanthropic goals.

Please download our 2019 Sponsor Guide (PDF) to find out what opportunities we have available.

For additional information, contact YALSA's Executive Director to discuss how you can reach YALSA's 4,700+ members through our events and initiatives.

Learn more about YALSA via this infographic (.pdf) and our web site, and check out a list of our partners and sponsors!

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