  • Airmate Web Flight Planning

    Using your Airmate account, you could access Airmate Web Flight Planning to prepare your flights, all your data will be synced between your Web and your mobile apps.

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  • Airmate:
    Free, Social Flight Planning

    Fully free, Airmate is an integrated flight planning solution that will provide you all tools to fly VFR and IFR worldwide.
    Airmate is available on iOS, Android and the Web.

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The Free & Social Flight App

Airmate brings to the aviation the paradigm change of all social internet apps: its apps, web and services are free for pilots. Airmate users may exchange together and share information with the community. More than 250,000 pilots are using Airmate worldwide.

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Apps for iOS and Android

Whether your preferred platform is (iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet), Airmate will run on it. Your data are synced with Airmate Web Flight Planning so you could plan at home and fly with your device. You could also share data between several devices.

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Worldwide weather, NOTAM & traffic

Access weather worldwide at the touch of a finger: Airmate will give access to METAR, TAF, SIGMET, significant weather charts, satellite charts, radar/rainfall maps. Sourced from numerous providers, Airmate provides you in most cases official weather data from your country weather provider. Airmate consolidates all ADS-B and FLARM traffic and display nearby aircrafts on the map.

Synthetic Vision

Airmate iOS displays an EFIS/AHRS view showing all flight parameters and a free Synthetic Vision showing the ups and downs of rolling terrain, thanks to its worldwide terrain database. Airmate also shows flight profile across terrain. AHRS data are obtained from iOS accelerometers, onboad avionics or external ADS-B receiver. Optionally, imagery is available in selected countries.

Load approaches, SID & STAR

Airmate iOS embeds a procedure database including many approaches, SID and STAR worldwide. From the flight planning route editor form, simply click on Load DEP, Load ARR, Load APP to select and add departure, arrival or approaches procedures in your flight plan. Airmate will then automatically displays the appropriate approach plates on top of the aviation map if they have been georeferenced.

Free, Full Coverage

Anywhere in the world

No matter where you are flying, Airmate have you covered.

Airmate embeds a worldwide aviation database updated free of charge at every Airac cycle.

VFR and IFR airport approach plates are available at no cost in more than 200 countries.

Weather, elevation data and Synthetic Vision are freely available in the whole world.

Aircraft traffic received from Airmate servers is displayed on the map.

With any device

Whatever your preferred device, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Android tablet or even only the Web, you will be supported by Airmate.

Your data will be synched between all your devices and the Web, allowing you to easily switch from one device to another.

With any aircraft

From a microlight flown in VFR to a high-end turboprop or small jet flown in IFR, Airmate will help you plan and execute your flights.

Airmate community includes light aircraft pilots flying VFR, helicopter pilots performing aerial work or EMS rescue missions, commercial pilots flying IFR and UAV pilots.

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Free charts and aviation data

Thanks to authorities Open Data policies, Airmate provides free aeronautical information in more than 200 countries

Worldwide Navigation Data

Worldwide aviation database sourced from FAA, Eurocontrol and other national authorities is integrated with additional data, such ultralight airfields. Database is updated free of charge at every AIRAC cycle. You can also subscribe to the database for your Dynon SkyView avionics.

Airport & Procedure Charts

Airport IFR and VFR charts are available free of charge in more than 200 countries, directly sourced from national AIP providers. In the USA and several European countries, those charts are georeferenced and could be overlaid on top of the moving map.


VFR ICAO Charts are available free of charge in numerous countries. Even when not provided by aviation authorities, Airmate will use its own map engine to build an aeronautical chart and display aviation data in vector form on the top of free topographic data.

IFR Enroute Charts

Official IFR High and Low enroute charts provided by national AIP authorities could be downloaded free of charge. Airmate has georeferenced them, so they could be displayed on top of the aviation map.

Flight Recording & Tracking

Airmate provides additional free services to help you record, debrief, log and track your flights

Flight recording and debrief

Airmate will record your flight track and flight parameters during all your flight. You will then be able to replay your flight, and could easily debrief with your instructor or share your gpx flight track with friends.

Pilot log

Thanks to flight recording, Airmate will display flown flights in your pilot log, with taxi time, flight time, departure/arrival airfields and number of takeoffs/landings.

Flight tracking

If your phone is within cell area coverage, authorized people (such your friends or loved ones) can follow your flight in real time. You could also decide to share your position with the community for collision avoidance.

In-flight traffic information

Airmate displays traffic around you for enhanced conspicuity

View Traffic around

Even without an onboard ADS-B receiver, Airmate will display nearby traffic on the map if you are within mobile network coverage. Nearby traffic broadcasted by Airmate servers include many sources: ADS-B (transponders), FLARM, OpenGliderNetwork and other traffic apps.

Traffic alerts

If a conflicting traffic is detected, Airmate will present an traffic alert. It is informational, Airmate is not an approved traffic warning system and pilot remains fully responsible for traffic avoidance.

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Share position with community

Your flight position and parameters are private by default and not shared with anybody. To improve traffic awareness, you can decide to share your flight parameters either only with other Airmate users or with users from other communities (such as GliderNet).

Airmate Web Tools

Many Airmate features are available on the Web

Web Flight Planning

Airmate Web Flight Planning provides a Web access to worldwide aviation data. Synced with your mobile apps, it will allow you to plan your flight at home and then fly with your device.

Web Flight Planning

Airport and FBO/Handler search

Simply enter airport name or code of any airport worldwide and you will instantly access free of charge all its data: runways, frequencies, airport approach plates, weather, NOTAM, FBO and Handler information, full details on other service providers at the airport.

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My Airmate page

Access all your data on a single page, including planned flights, past flights, personal waypoints. The page will also show you latest news from Airmate community, with ratings left by other pilots, flights and waypoints shared with the community, aviation events.

My Airmate

Aviation events map

Search aviation events nearby thanks to Airmate aviation events maps. You could also share your aviation events with the community.

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