Sense your way into Open Source Hardware glory with Adafruit's sensor category! Here you can find everything you need to start measuring temperature, motion, force, flow, and more. Check out the Sensor Pack 900 for your beginner sensor needs or the Soil Temperature/Moisture Sensor for more advanced projects. With a wide and growing range of sensors, Adafruit's Sensors category is the best place for all your needs!
- Weight (7)
- Accel, Gyro, and Magnetometers (124)
- Barometric Pressure (21)
- Biometric (14)
- Cameras (52)
- Coin (2)
- Gas / TVOC / Air Quality (15)
- Humidity (35)
- Light / Color / Photo (35)
- Liquid / Flow (13)
- Location / GPS (20)
- Motion (12)
- Proximity (50)
- Radiation / Geiger (2)
- Magstripe / Barcode (5)
- Microphone / Sound (11)
- Temperature (95)
- Touch (60)