We are delighted to announce that the new Editor in Chief of our journal will be Professor Miroslav Toman.

Prof. Toman will take over from Professor Dagmar Zendulkov� who has done a great job at the helm of Veterin�rn� Medic�na over the last 4 years.

Miroslav Toman is a professor of immunology and microbiology at the Veterinary University of Brno. He has been working at the University and at the Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Brno for more than 45 years. His main research interest is immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases of farm animals and immune-mediated diseases of animals. He published several papers in this area and was the main editor of the Veterinary Immunology textbook (Veterin�rn� imunologie, in Czech). He held a number of important positions, for more than ten years he was the director of the Veterinary Research Institute in Brno. He is a member of a number of professional societies, e.g. he was a member of the board of the European Veterinary Immunology Group under European Federation of Immunology Societes or a board member of the Czech Immunological Society. He also participates in the evaluation of research activities in the field of Veterinary science under the Council of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Prof. Toman has been an Associate Editor of Veterin�rn� Medic�na for many years and so is very well placed to take on the role of Editor in Chief.

Journal of Veterinary Medicine indexed in PubMed Central® database!

We are pleased to share that the Veterin�rn� Medic�na journal has successfully met the criteria of scientific and technical quality and has been indexed in PubMed Central® (PMC), a major medical database operated by the National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM) at the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Veterin�rn� Medic�na articles will now be available to thousands more scientists, students, and educators from around the world.
Articles from Veterin�rn� Medic�na at PMC can be found at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/4436/.

The Czech Academy of Agricultural Science, the publisher of the Vetarin�rn� medic�na thanks all the members of the Editorial Board for their tireless work for the journal, to the authors for their quality articles and to the reviewers for their thorough reviews.

Impact factor (WoS):

2023: 0.6
Q3 – Veterinary Sciences
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.7

SCImago Journal Rank (SCOPUS):

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Veterin�rn� medic�na – veterinary medicine journal

  • ISSN 0375-8427 (Print)
  • ISSN 1805-9392 (On-line)

An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

  • The journal is administered by an international Editorial Board
  • Published since 1956
  • Editor-in-Chief: prof. MVDr. Miroslav Toman CSc.
  • Co-Editors: prof. MVDr. Eva Baranyiov�, CSc.; doc. Mgr. MVDr. Leo� Landa, Ph.D.; doc. MVDr. Pavel Such�, Ph.D.; prof. MVDr. Dagmar Zendulkov�, CSc.
  • Executive Editor: Ing. Helena Smolov�, Ph.D.
  • The journal is published monthly

Aims & Scope

The journal Veterinarni Medicina publishes original papers, short communications, critical reviews and case reports from all fields of veterinary and biomedical sciences.

Current issue

Does a relation between bone histomorphometry and fractures exist? The case of the equine radius and tibiaOriginal Paper

M Zedda, R Babosova, S Gadau, G Lepore, S Succu, V Farina

Vet Med - Czech, 2024, 69(9):307-313 | DOI: 10.17221/18/2024-VETMED  

Fractures of long bones in limbs are rare traumatic events in horses. This study investigates whether the incidence and types of fractures can be related to the histomorphometric features of the radius and tibia, which experience different biomechanical stresses and exhibit varying incidences and types of fractures. Clinical observations suggest that, in adults, slightly transverse and comminuted fractures are present in the radius, while the tibia shows a higher frequency of longitudinal and spiral fractures. Microscopic observations reveal no apparent distinctive characteristics between the radius and tibia, whereas the histomorphometric data highlight...

A multi-year study monitoring the cadmium content in the tissues of lambs and sheep sampled in the Czech Republic between 2001 and 2022Original Paper

Z Svobodova, J Drapal, V Vlasakova, D Harustiakova, J Illek, M Svoboda

Vet Med - Czech, 2024, 69(9):314-320 | DOI: 10.17221/45/2024-VETMED  

Cadmium is�one of�the most important environmental contaminants. Animals grazing on�natural pastures are particularly exposed to�cadmium. Sheep are mostly reared in�extensive and grazing systems. Therefore, sheep may accumulate larger amounts of�cadmium compared to�other ruminant species and are a�good indicator of�exposure to�cadmium contamination in�a�given area. The determination of�cadmium concentrations in�the muscles, livers and kidneys of�lambs and sheep was carried out in�the Czech Republic during the period 2001–2022. The average cadmium content in�the livers and kidneys of�all the lambs was 0.037�±�0.006 and 0.061�±�0.013�mg.kg–1,...

Molecular detection and characterisation of�Mycoplasma species in community owned dogs of Kerala, a South Indian StateOriginal Paper

GS Kumar, A Varghese, PK Hembram, KGA Kumar, CK Deepa, A Varghese, R Ravindran

Vet Med - Czech, 2024, 69(9):321-328 | DOI: 10.17221/116/2023-VETMED  

Haemotropic mycoplasmas (haemoplasmas) are obligate epierythrocytic bacteria that infect a�wide range of�vertebrate hosts. The molecular characterisation of�Mycoplasma organisms in�dogs has not previously been attempted from India. Hence, in�the present study, the molecular characterisation of�Mycoplasma spp. in�dogs of�different zones of�Kerala was attempted using 16S rRNA gene. An�overall prevalence of�18% for M.�haemocanis was detected. The NCBI-BLAST analysis of�all the selected sequences revealed >�99% identity with the sequences of�M.�haemocanis. The phylogenetic analysis revealed clustering of�M.�haemocanis...

Senecio ovatus poisoning in a horse – A case reportCase Report

A Kopecka, T Novotna, Z Svobodova, Z Drabkova

Vet Med - Czech, 2024, 69(9):329-336 | DOI: 10.17221/37/2024-VETMED  

This study describes a�case of�poisoning by�pyrrolizidine alkaloids in�a�horse. To�the best of�the author’s knowledge, this is�the first confirmed case of�Senecio ovatus poisoning. A�six-year-old 450-kg Irish cob mare was presented to�the Equine Clinic of�the University of�Veterinary Sciences Brno (Czechia) with symptoms of�hepatic encephalopathy, which progressively worsened with time despite intensive therapy and led to�euthanasia. A�complex diagnostic and therapeutic approach including the post-mortem patoanatomical and histopathological examination is�described here. Regarding the histopathology of�the liver, there was necrosis with...