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Making Health Care Affordable & Accessible

1 in 5 rural New Mexicans have trouble accessing health care and over half of NM’s hospitals report critical staff shortages. From lowering health care costs to increasing accessibility, Rep. Vasquez is working to ensure New Mexicans have the resources they need to lead healthy lives.

Here are some examples of how Vasquez is fighting to make health care more accessible and affordable:

Affordable Health Care and NutritionIncreased Accessibility & Safety

Protecting Reproductive Rights and Health Care Freedom 

Vasquez will always be a champion for women’s reproductive care. He is a leader on the Women's Health Protection Act to codify Roe v. Wade and led an effort to protect reproductive health care access for military service members. Vasquez also signed an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court standing up for women and their reproductive rights by ensuring the continued availability of mifepristone.