Suggest new members to join Which? Trusted Traders

Can you recommend a brilliant plumber, builder, mechanic or other trader who could become a Trusted Trader?

Tell us in the form below about someone who you think meets our high standards.

If they make the grade and get endorsed, we’ll send you a £40 voucher as a thank you.

Please note: this form is only for recommending NEW members to Which? Trusted Traders. If you want to review an EXISTING trader, please leave a review on their profile page.  You can read more about leaving a review here.

  1. About you
  2. About the trader
About you
About the trader

*Terms and Conditions

  1. The personal details for the trader that you recommend to Which? will only be used in conjunction with this referral. By providing us with the trader's contact details (including telephone number), you are confirming that you have obtained their consent for us to contact them. Please note, you will be stated as the person who has made the recommendation when we contact the trader by telephone and/or by email.
  2. To qualify for this offer, you need to complete the form or send a postal reply providing us with your name, the name of the trader you are recommending, their business name (if applicable) and their contact details (including telephone).
  3. Provided that the trader you recommend signs up to the Which? Trusted Traders scheme and becomes an endorsed Which? Trusted Trader, you will receive £40 worth of vouchers. If you recommend a trader who is already undergoing the Which? Trusted Traders assessment process, you will not be eligible for the vouchers.
  4. In the unlikely event that the vouchers become unavailable, a suitable substitute of equal or greater value will be supplied. Cash alternatives are not available.
  5. Which? will aim to send the £40 voucher to you within 30 days of the trader paying their endorsement fee (or part thereof) to us.
  6. Which? reserves the right to refuse to send the vouchers (or equivalent substitute) if we suspect that the terms of this offer are being abused.
  7. This offer may be withdrawn at any time.