Kaspersky Security 9.x for SharePoint Server

Incident data

September 20, 2024

ID 87430

The Incident details window lets you configure the settings that define the way incident data is displayed. The window shows the following list of incident data:

  • Created;
  • User;
  • Address;
  • No;
  • Status;
  • Violations;
  • Action;
  • Manager.

This window lets you configure the final appearance of the incident table in the report.

If the check box is selected opposite a list item, the report incidents are arranged in accordance with the details selected. If the check box is cleared, incidents are not arranged according to such details.

You can change the order of incident details in the list using the Up and Down buttons located to the right of the list. The order of list items defines the order in which incidents are arranged in the report.

Use these settings for the following tasks

Configuring settings of the report on policy-related incidents

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