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Compatibility of react-native-maps 1.18.0 with Maps SDKs

I’m currently working on a React Native project. I’m having trouble finding specific information about which versions of the Google Maps SDK for Android and iOS are compatible with/correspond to which ...
Sofia's user avatar
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Trying to add google-maps-ios-utils with SPM but getting 'checksum' error [iOS]

After fetching 'GoogleMapsUtils' dependencies, it just shows this error: checksum of downloaded artifact of binary target 'GoogleMapsUtils' (...) does not match checksum specified by the manifest (...)...
Mathias Nonohay's user avatar
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Google maps SDK doesn't show maps on iOS app

I am trying to implement Google Maps SKD to an iOS app. The location dot, google logo, and go to my location button are visible, but not the maps. I try different thinks but none of those works. My ...
Marko Zadravec's user avatar
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Google maps ios marker location issues

I am using google maps in ios. Every thing is working fine in simulator and device but when I search address using placeclient and select it then marker place a different location. https://drive....
yaxanof252 yaxanof's user avatar
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GMSPinImageOptions - Not able to find "GMSPinImageOptions" in scope iOS

I am using Google Maps SDK in my iOS app. When I try to use GMSPinImageOptions in my code. I am not able to use it even though I have imported GoogleMaps. It keeps saying, Cannot find '...
Pratik's user avatar
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Crash in Google maps cocoapod in iOS project

My project is using GoogleMap (8.3.0) version. It is working all good. But suddenly it is crashing with the error : *** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: key cannot be nil -[...
SiOS's user avatar
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2 answers

GoogleMaps - App Crash when init GMSMapView

When I try to initialize the map, app crashed. I have same issue in UIkit. I try clean pods, update pod and clean project. Last week it was working correctly, no joke iOS: 16.2 iPhone: 14 plus ...
Carlos Andres Ponce's user avatar
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Google Maps showing blank screen only on iOS testers device

i have recently uploaded an app to App Store review and after several attempts to make location work, I think I made it. The problem is that my map is not loading at all, it only shows a blank page ...
lautipaletta's user avatar
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how to change custom compass on Google Map IOS?

I can't figure out how to change the compass needle or make my own as in the picture. Here is my code: func makeUIView(context: Self.Context) -> GMSMapView { let options = GMSMapViewOptions(...
Shato-Umar Daltsaev's user avatar
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Googlemaps delegate methods never fired in iOS SwiftUI

Intergated the Google maps via SPM and maps seems to loaded correctly with few markers on the map, but I wanted to know when the map is fully loaded and when the map is moved etc.. For that we can use ...
vishwa's user avatar
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GMSMarker infoWindow - data not updating

What I am trying to accomplish is to refresh the map every X seconds. When doing so, I want to update the content of info window of selected marker. However, the marker data is updated (tried with lat/...
Andrija Randjelovic's user avatar
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Google Map layer snapshot in iOS 17.2 is blank

I have developed an iOS app (way back with ObjectiveC) which creates an image of the current Google Map on the screen. I always have used this code, which ran fine: ...
dennieku's user avatar
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using pod 'GoogleMaps' in iOS project getting error

using pod 'GoogleMaps' in iOS project getting "Unexpected failure" error other pods working fine tried using in Swift UIKit as well as in SwiftUI project still getting same error in both ...
Roopesh Tripathi's user avatar
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GMSMarkers blinking on map when I change the value of tracksViewChanges

In my application, I am using GoogleMaps and a custom GMSMarker. However, my markers are dynamically calculated to decide what they should render or not. For example, when a marker is too close to ...
Fetrindade's user avatar
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How can I control Google Map's GMSMapView animated layer on iOS?

I have a GMSMapView view in my UIViewController view hierarchy. When I click a button to change the size of the whole layout, both my layout and GMSMapView animate their layers. However, it seems that ...
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz's user avatar

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