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accessing email attachments encrypted with MAM InTune in an iOS app written in donnet8 C#

This was so simple until some decided to turn on MAM Intune for email. we wrote a small iOS utility that receives some serial numbers in a CSV file sent via email as an attachment. it has worked well ...
canderse's user avatar
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For React Native Expo project built for iOS, unable to use debugger whether Hermes or JSC is specified as jsengine

I am trying to access the debugger for iOS for a React Native project using Expo but for either Hermes or JSC specified as the jsengine in the app.json file, I am unable to use Chrome Dev Tools (hot ...
Mike Putnam's user avatar
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Apple server notifications JWT Invalid Header

I am using the following code to implement apple server notifications, but it's giving me an error "Invalid JWT Header". I am using storekit2 to purchase subscriptions in the app and I'm ...
Rue Vitale's user avatar
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iOS Autolayout - unable to have height be lessThanOrEqualTo

I am using SnapKit for auto layout in my iOS app. I need to show an image view at the very top of the screen. It will have an image of dynamic height and width. I need its top edge to be aligned with ...
sudoExclamationExclamation's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to listen to apple server notifications using node js? [closed]

How can I listen to apple store server notifications using node js? I'm using storekit2 to implement subscriptions in my app. I saved the original transaction id, but it's confusing how to track ...
Rue Vitale's user avatar
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How to handle apple store server notifications? [closed]

I'm using storekit2 to process subscriptions in my app. I'm storing the original transaction id. I want to figure out how to implement the backend where apple notifies me when a user cancels or ...
Rue Vitale's user avatar
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Cannot connect to iPad wirelessly in Visual studio

I have a iPad OS 18.3.1 connected to Xcode 16.2 and I have been able to debug wirelessly from Xcode. I have also created a basic .net Maui Application using .net 9 and deployed it to the iPad via a ...
Reid Williams's user avatar
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Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-resources-Debug-Development-input-files.xcfilelist'

Recently addded flutter flavours to a mobile app to create production and development environemnts. Now when I try to do an ios build, I am getting these erros upon doing flutter run --flavor ...
Aryan Jhaveri's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use same UIViewController instance in different Tab in UITabBarController

I develop project right now and I use MVVM-C Architecture pattern and Programmatically UIKit. I use TabBarController and UINavigationController. I have a 4 tab in TabBarController: ->HomeTab ->...
Swiftniscate's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I mock network responses and state for UI tests using XCTest?

For my new SwiftUI app I'm looking to add tests. Using Swift Testing I've started to write some unit tests. I'm looking to add UI tests as well. The app relies heavily on network calls to fetch data ...
Pieter's user avatar
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Animating content height when changing SwiftUI sheet detent programmatically

I'm encountering the following issue: When a sheet with multiple detents is displayed: resizing the sheet from the drag indicator will change the displayed view height accordingly and progressively ...
Benoît's user avatar
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iOS Crash - UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource - Fatal: supplied item identifiers are not unique

I have a weird crash that has begun to occur that I am unable to replicate and mostly happens on the iPad 10th generation. The crash occurs when applying a snapshot for a ...
Edward's user avatar
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How to remove the background color of the SwiftUI toolbar in the root view?

I’ve tried using .toolbarBackground(.hidden, for: .bottomBar), but it doesn't seem to work. How can I remove the background color of the toolbar in the root view? var body: some Scene { ...
Ehz uiq's user avatar
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Google places autocomplete api fails in iOS app

I am trying to integrate google places autocomplete api. But it fails with a generic error. Not able to get any details. Any idea what could be going wrong? The error log
user7241278's user avatar
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How to detect when a specific app is running and send a notification in iOS?

I'm trying to develop an iOS app that monitors whether a specific app is running and then sends a local notification after a certain period. On Android, I can achieve this using UsageStatsManager or ...
Jay0813's user avatar
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