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How to Temporarily Disable a Google Meet Link Until Meeting Start Time Using .NET API?

I’ve been working on integrating Google Meet with my application using the Google Calendar API in .NET. The requirement is: 1. Create a Google Meet meeting in advance. 2. Save the meeting link and ...
Omran's user avatar
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Automatically copying data from one sheet to another sheet [closed]

So basically, I want my sheets to automatically copy the data from one sheet to another sheet based on a number that I put in column a. For example, lets say that I create 3 sheets (sheets 1, 2, and 3)...
Cole Muller's user avatar
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How do I locate my DNS record and CName for Google Sites?

Please help! I have purchased a domain through Go Daddy and have been trying to connect it to my Google Site for the past 4 days with no luck. The problem is I cannot locate a DNS Record for my Google ...
Kialen Smith's user avatar
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Sendgrid Error when validating CNAME records

I've been trying to get started with SendGrid, but for some reason all the custom records that are CNAME are getting errors, specifically: Expected CNAME for "" to ...
Tim Fasoranti's user avatar
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If an event is updated, the notification is not sent from the shared calendar's email

I have shared [email protected]'s calendar with [email protected]. Now, using [email protected]'s credentials, I am creating a calendar event in [email protected]'s calendar. The event notification is sent from abc@...
Chhatrasinh Ninama's user avatar
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Unable to Retrieve API Clients and Assigned OAuth Scopes via Google Admin SDK in C# .NET

I am currently working on a C# .NET application that leverages the Google Admin SDK to manage administrative tasks within our organization. As part of this implementation, I require a method to ...
Parth Jani's user avatar
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When sending a reply with the Gmail API, is there a way to include the text from the previous emails?

When I use the MS Graph API to reply to emails, it automatically adds the quoted text to the reply email from previous emails in the email thread. Is there a way to accomplish this with the Gmail API ...
data-dawg's user avatar
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Correct 'from' field for sequential email sending in a thread using GmailApp

I work on problem sending main email and few reminders (not spam) after some time into same email address and thread. I use google app scripts and it has built-in GmailApp. So this is my messaging ...
JessyJane's user avatar
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SpreadsheetApp getLastRow() returns an exception when other users are viewing the google sheet

We have been running an app script to clear a shared google sheet for many years. All teachers are able to view this sheet as it is used for after school dismissal. The script has always been ...
Tania Arnaud's user avatar
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Email signatures for employees using Google Workspace

I'm developing a web app that allows you to create email signatures for your company. The idea is that once you have your email signature, I want users to be able to click a button and install those ...
Cris's user avatar
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Authorization Error When Running Google Apps Script [duplicate]

I'm trying to run a script that sends emails to recipients listed in a Google Sheet. However, when I attempt to execute the script, I encounter an issue: The "Authorization Required" prompt ...
Dwight_87's user avatar
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Google scripts authentication access errors

I have a Google Script app running on my Google Sites pages. The app is essentially a form that collects data from external users and sends it to my Firebase account. I want all external users to be ...
Admin Support's user avatar
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Sum a Column when a row says a specific text

On the OMS IV tab I need H22 to add the number of weeks in column D if j15:ab15 says non-clinical. Column D turns light yellow when the corresponding J15 etc shows non-clinical, but now I need to add ...
Briana Langston's user avatar
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Unable to view webApp appscripts execution errors debugging details through Logger.log

We are using Google workspace app scripts development environment and using it for quite sometime . We have been using Logger.log for debugging .But all of a sudden, i found that in execution log see ...
Neelam Jha's user avatar
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CORS in google apps script

I wanted to know how to implement CORS in google apps script. I am facing issue while fetching data(GET REQUEST) from google sheet using web app of google apps script. GET request : Sending get ...
Darshan Vaghasiya's user avatar

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