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Google Maps different marker images for tapped and unselected state

is there a way to add an ID, a case or something similar, in order to set custom marker images for selected and unselected state? I have multiple markers with different names/title, and i need that a ...
Andrea Maps's user avatar
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GoogleMap API service : Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)"

Below is the code that I used for getting the current user location: import UIKit import GooglePlaces import GoogleMaps import CoreLocation class ViewController: UIViewController, ...
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I'm having a trouble adding multiple markers in a mapView

I'm having a trouble adding multiple markers in a mapView but I always end up by showing one marker which is the last called marker I don't know why. the object of this is to fetch data that contains ...
Alaéddine 's user avatar
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Google Maps SDK - Swift 4 - markerInfoWindow does not show popover like arrow at bottom

I am using google maps sdk in my project. I want to make the custom marker as given image. 1.Curve corners from top and bottom 2.Pop over like effect from bottom. Case 1: Using below delegate ...
Mak13's user avatar
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GMSMapView city labels disappearing

Summary: When using the GMSMapView object from the GoogleMaps framework (installed per pods from here: i have a strange issue when applying a custom mapstyle ...
Teetz's user avatar
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Removing markers from the google map Swift 4

I am developing an iOS app where I need to show the user some locations over the map. For this I am using the google maps. and its really working fine. Informations: In my app, I have view ...
Android teem's user avatar
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Google Maps iOS issue on Point of interest click

Hy there I have developed an android app. And in that I have used Google maps. And it is working as expected. In that app, I am showing users the Point of Interest POI(s). Basically these are small ...
Android teem's user avatar
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Google Maps strange behavior swift 4 ios

Update: Dose it have to do anything with language? as my app is sporting English and Arabic. Hi everyone I am struggling with this since days and I have tried everything but can not find any solution,...
Ussaid Iqbal's user avatar
8 votes
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Google Maps Mapview not centering on marker

I am using google maps in ios with swift 4, i have to show a mapview in the screen, with a marker, the problem is that whenever i show the mapview i got this result: and the result i want to get is ...
Shijo's user avatar
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Google Maps Using URL Scheme , Source location showing Properly in Maps ,Destination location not showing Properly

let destLat:Float = ((dictionry["Latitude"] as NSString?)?.floatValue)! let destLong:Float = ((dictionry["Longitude"] as NSString?)?.floatValue)! let srcLat:Float = ((latitude as NSString?)?....
Vandana's user avatar
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iOS GMSMapView change initial loading background color

I found this question which might be the exact same problem but the accepted answer did not work for me. We are currently using the Google Maps API to load a map to cover the entire view. The initial ...
T.Okahara's user avatar
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How to add button on GMSMapView using swift 4

this is my view controller and it did not work even when i add values to CGRect import UIKit import GoogleMaps class ViewController: UIViewController,CLLocationManagerDelegate, GMSMapViewDelegate { ...
Dalal mh's user avatar
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Fix a marker on google map and then move it again

I do not know what the proper question would be therefore my Title may not be properly descriptive, apology for that. I want to achieve the functionality like the picture above. Now in my project I ...
M A Russel's user avatar
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Convert google direction JSON string url to URL

let stringOFDirection: String = ",72.5160750795044&destination=23.057534,72.577191&waypoints=optimize:true|23....
Bhavesh Odedara's user avatar
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Is it possible to add the same view to two different view controllers?

I get the following error message: A view can only be associated with at most one view controller at a time! Is it possible to add the same view to two different view controllers? I want to add ...
Marcel Gangwisch's user avatar