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Fuzzy search support

we are using google cloud search and there is a requirement on implementing fuzzy search. for ex: if we search a name: sabarish I'm returning the results ...
sabarish venkatachalam's user avatar
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Connecting my cloud build with cloud sql specifically inside the docker build

Thank you in advance for your help. I want to deploy my landing page to Cloud Run, it's a pretty basic NextJS app, there was no problem in deploying the app until I added this single API route: import ...
Anthony Tedesco's user avatar
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Does Cloud Search API require cloud search to be signed up?

I need to use Google Cloud Search API for using with non-google workspace data (third party data like PDF etc.) Is it mandatory to sign up for cloud search to use cloud search API? Right now don't ...
Shashank Varanasi's user avatar
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GCS Dataflow throws an error - FileNotFoundException(No such file or directory found)

I have created a dataflow job in GCS which reads .tsv files from GCS Bucket and inserts into BigQuery Tables. Before forming a table row, I have to read a lookup file which has the column names. This ...
Ashwini C's user avatar
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Indexing custom properties with Google Cloud Search API

We are having issues indexing metadata with items added to Google Cloud Search with 3rd-party datasources, using the REST API. We are following this guide:
Max's user avatar
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Google Cloud Search Query via Node.js Error: This project doesn't have Cloud Search's Query API Enabled

I am working on Google Cloud Search API to search documents stored in Google Drive. I have Google Workspace account and few documents stored in Google Drive. I am able to search using Google Cloud ...
Satish Gunjal's user avatar
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Google Cloud Search Database Connector Issues

I am working with Google Cloud search ( and I am attempting to index a Cloud SQL instance. Presently I am ...
Eamonn McElroy's user avatar