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Welcome to our new website. While most COPE resources have moved here, including membership applications, our membership area will look the same for a while as we continue to redevelop our website.

Media enquiries

All Officers, Trustees and Council Members are volunteers and located globally, so employment commitments or time zones may mean a response is not immediate. 

Find out more about how COPE responds to a media enquiry, or contact COPE about specific stories.

Press releases

Action against paper mills

19 January 2024

United2Act has released a Consensus Statement which outlines five key areas of action against the impact of paper mills on the integrity of academic research and publishing. 

Authorship and AI tools

13 February 2023

COPE has released a position statement on Authorship and AI tools. COPE considers that AI tools, such as ChatGPT, cannot be listed as author of a paper, and their use must be fully transparent.

Revised principles of transparency and best practice released

15 September 2022

The fourth edition of the Principles represents a collective effort between the four organisations to align the principles with today’s scholarly publishing landscape. Guidance is provided on the information that should be made available on websites, peer review, access, author fees and publication ethics. The principles also cover ownership and management, copyright and licensing, and editorial policies. They stress the need for inclusivity in scholarly publishing and emphasise that editorial decisions should be based on merit and not affected by factors such as the origins of the manuscript and the nationality, political beliefs or religion of the author.

Increasing number of fraudulent papers produced by ‘paper mills’

16 October 2020

Systematic manipulation of the publishing process via “paper mills” is emerging as a growing issue. Paper mills produce and sell fraudulent manuscripts that seem to resemble genuine research. They may be similar in layout, experimental approach and have similar images or figures.

New advice from COPE on how to tackle, avoid, and raise awareness of the problem of predatory journals

6 January 2020 

This new guidance gives an overview of the issue with recommendations and resources. COPE welcomes feedback and comments to continue this live and ongoing debate.

  • What is predatory publishing?
  • What are the commonly occurring features in predatory publications?
  • How can we avoid, and raise awareness of, the problem of predatory publications?

Plagiarism and inclusivity highlighted in new study into the arts, humanities and social sciences 

2 September 2019 

The study results referred to in the press release can be found on our website: Exploring publication ethics in the arts, humanities, and social sciences: A COPE study 2019

WCRI and COPE joint guidance for editors and authors

12 December 2011

During the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI) in Singapore in 2010, COPE helped develop two position statements setting out international standards for responsible research publication for editors and authors. 


COPE is primarily a forum for editors and publishers of scholarly journals, and more recently universities and research institutions. The following resources may be of use to journalists.

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