#31n31 2019: Moments that Make a Movement

Every October, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) joins with our partners, supporters, and allies across the country to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). DVAM is an opportunity for everyone to take a stand against domestic violence. We invite you to join us and get involved this month through our annual #31n31 campaign that focuses on Moments that Make a Movement this year. We are exploring the moments that built our movement to end domestic violence.
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 · Last updated 4y
Follow along as we celebrate Moments that Make a Movement. We will share moments that have built our movement to end domestic violence – and we also invite you to join in by creating moments that promote #Safety4Survivors in your community! Learn more at NNEDV.org/DVAM. Time Is Now, The Time Is Now, In This Moment
The Time is Now: 31 Moments that Make a Movement
Follow along as we celebrate Moments that Make a Movement. We will share moments that have built our movement to end domestic violence – and we also invite you to join in by creating moments that promote #Safety4Survivors in your community! Learn more at NNEDV.org/DVAM.
Housing is central to our advocacy because we believe that housing is safety. Securing safe, affordable housing is a crucial step on the pathway to a survivor’s long-term security. We are working toward making the statement “Every home a safe home” a reality. Learn more about our safe housing efforts. Economic Freedom, Personal Safety, Affordable Housing, Psych, Home A, Finance, Tools
Safe, Affordable Housing
Housing is central to our advocacy because we believe that housing is safety. Securing safe, affordable housing is a crucial step on the pathway to a survivor’s long-term security. We are working toward making the statement “Every home a safe home” a reality. Learn more about our safe housing efforts.
Coalition Built, Coalition Strong
State and territory coalitions are critical to advancing the movement to end domestic violence. Since our inception in 1990, NNEDV has prioritized enhancing the capacity of coalitions and supporting the roles they play with local domestic violence programs and allied organizations.
We celebrate our place in the movement to end domestic violence. NNEDV was formed in 1990 when a group of state domestic violence coalition staff came together to promote legislation on domestic violence. Learn more about our story. Memes, Our Place, Our Story, A Group
Safety for All
We celebrate our place in the movement to end domestic violence. NNEDV was formed in 1990 when a group of state domestic violence coalition staff came together to promote legislation on domestic violence. Learn more about our story.
Every home should be a safe home, and every member of a family should be able to live in peace and safety – including our furry friends. Increasing options for survivors and their pets is an important strategy toward increased safety. Learn more about pets and domestic violence. Bible Verses, Inspirational Quotes, Live In Peace, Inspirational Scripture, In Peace, A Family, Graphic Tshirt
Every Home a Safe Home
Every home should be a safe home, and every member of a family should be able to live in peace and safety – including our furry friends. Increasing options for survivors and their pets is an important strategy toward increased safety. Learn more about pets and domestic violence.
Movies have the power to change and connect us. They address important social issues, help us understand the world around us, and imagine different worlds. Unfortunately, not all movies are created equal. Sometimes, they address crucial social issues in a thoughtful, appropriate manner, while other times, they do not. Use our Movie Night Conversation Guide to talk with your loved ones about the movies you consume. We Movie, All Movies, Social Issues, Manners, Movie Night, Storytelling, First Love
Survivor-Centered Storytelling
Movies have the power to change and connect us. They address important social issues, help us understand the world around us, and imagine different worlds. Unfortunately, not all movies are created equal. Sometimes, they address crucial social issues in a thoughtful, appropriate manner, while other times, they do not. Use our Movie Night Conversation Guide to talk with your loved ones about the movies you consume.
From Sojourner Truth to Gloria Steinem to the advocates who get up every day to support survivors, our movement has been made up of moments – big and small – that matter. Check out our &Me Spotlight on Feminists series highlighting and honoring individuals who work to make a difference every day. Sojourner Truth, Gloria Steinem, Big And Small, Make A Difference, Get Up, The Voice, Every Day, Matter
From Sojourner Truth to Gloria Steinem to the advocates who get up every day to support survivors, our movement has been made up of moments – big and small – that matter. Check out our &Me Spotlight on Feminists series highlighting and honoring individuals who work to make a difference every day.
It’s your moment. Make it your movement. Join us in challenging misconceptions about domestic violence whenever you hear them. Find talking points on Pinterest to help get the conversation started! Talking Points, How To Start Conversations, Join Us, Defense, The Conversation, Make It Yourself
Your moment. Your movement.
It’s your moment. Make it your movement. Join us in challenging misconceptions about domestic violence whenever you hear them. Find talking points on Pinterest to help get the conversation started!
Cybersecurity means personal safety – safety from harm, harassment, and abuse online. Through our Tech Safety project, we continue to build a movement of advocates who listen and believe survivors who experience tech-facilitated abuse. Learn more at Tech Safety.org. Technology, Legal System, Home Technology
Technology Safety
Cybersecurity means personal safety – safety from harm, harassment, and abuse online. Through our Tech Safety project, we continue to build a movement of advocates who listen and believe survivors who experience tech-facilitated abuse. Learn more at Tech Safety.org.
In 2000, WomensLaw.org was founded with the help of a group of lawyers, teachers, advocates, and web designers who were interested in seeing the power of the Internet help survivors of domestic violence. Today, more than 1 million people visit the website annually, and we provide legal information, support, and referrals in English and Spanish to more than 5,000 people each year through the Email Hotline. Learn more at WomensLaw.org. Web Design, Month Ideas, English And Spanish, Web Designers, 1 Million, The Help, The Internet, Internet
In 2000, WomensLaw.org was founded with the help of a group of lawyers, teachers, advocates, and web designers who were interested in seeing the power of the Internet help survivors of domestic violence. Today, more than 1 million people visit the website annually, and we provide legal information, support, and referrals in English and Spanish to more than 5,000 people each year through the Email Hotline. Learn more at WomensLaw.org.
Every time the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is reauthorized, it’s a big moment! It’s an opportunity to expand the protections VAWA offers and center survivors’ needs. In 2013, VAWA became the first federal law to define protections for LGBT individuals. Learn more about VAWA in our Policy Center. Federal, Acting, The First
All Means ALL (LGBT Survivors)
Every time the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is reauthorized, it’s a big moment! It’s an opportunity to expand the protections VAWA offers and center survivors’ needs. In 2013, VAWA became the first federal law to define protections for LGBT individuals. Learn more about VAWA in our Policy Center.
Build the movement in your book club! Use our discussion guides to address social issues in books like Big Little Lies, Gone Girl, Bad Feminist, and more. Check out all our Reader With a Cause discussion guides. Big Little, Bad Feminist, Girl Bad, Big Little Lies, Gone Girl, Book Club
Reading is Transformative
Build the movement in your book club! Use our discussion guides to address social issues in books like Big Little Lies, Gone Girl, Bad Feminist, and more. Check out all our Reader With a Cause discussion guides.
Sometimes it feels like everything is a trash fire. Channeling your outrage and disappointment in a constructive way takes time and practice. Learn what you can do when you find our your fave is problematic. Feelings, What You Can Do, You Can Do
Channeling Your Outrage
Sometimes it feels like everything is a trash fire. Channeling your outrage and disappointment in a constructive way takes time and practice. Learn what you can do when you find our your fave is problematic.
The moment in 1994 when the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed, it changed the domestic violence movement. Learn about how VAWA started in our Policy Center. Psychology, Encouragement, Past Life, No Response, Quick Saves
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
The moment in 1994 when the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was signed, it changed the domestic violence movement. Learn about how VAWA started in our Policy Center.
Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA)
The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) is a momentous bill having a momentous day – it’s 35 today! FVPSA is the only federal funding source dedicated to domestic violence shelters and programs. Help us honor the 35th anniversary of FVPSA.