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Unanswered Questions

13,395 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
1865 votes
0 answers

FAQ for Stack Exchange sites

Community FAQ For sites in the Stack Exchange 2.0 network To see a list of commonly used words and phrases, see the glossary. For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Asking ...
205 votes
0 answers

Why is SE staff violating SE policy by un-featuring posts about the strike on per-site Metas?

There have been several cases where SE staff has removed the featured tag from per-site Meta posts in relation to the strike, despite no (public) statement from SE regarding that. Unless there is a ...
143 votes
0 answers

Stack Exchange Moderator FAQ

As per the FAQ for Stack Exchange sites, this FAQ will serve the following purposes: To be the canonical reference for moderators across the Stack Exchange sites for things that are beyond question (...
121 votes
0 answers

Moderation strike: Conclusion and the way forward

Negotiations between strike representatives and Stack Exchange, Inc. have come to a close, with a mutually acceptable agreement being reached and announced. With that agreement being reached, we'd ...
110 votes
0 answers

Can we have * aliases for sites that have their own domain names?

I have a Chrome search engine of the form that I use to quickly move between various SE sites (I find this more efficient than bumbling my way through the multicollider). ...
100 votes
0 answers

Update the "new contributor" indicator on meta to say "new contributor to meta"

Earlier today I saw the New Contributor indicator attached to a user who had 2,700 reputation and had been a member of the site for over 2 years. When I went to leave a comment, I saw a banner of “(...
98 votes
0 answers

Markdown change: Intra-word emphasis now works

There are tons of questions I could maybe post this as an answer to, but before choosing the best one, I'll just post this as an announcement question that can be linked elsewhere. The short story ...
93 votes
0 answers

Bump a deleted answer when it's undeleted, not when it's edited

When a deleted answer is edited, that bumps the thread to the front page and to the active questions list. When a deleted answer is undeleted, that does not bump the thread. That edits on a deleted ...
90 votes
0 answers

Give users a way to see their "Positive Question Record" score

I recently got awarded some new badges for different SE sites, however I was a bit surprised at which sites gave me which badges. The badges are : Asked a well-received question on 5 separate days, ...
89 votes
0 answers

We're regenerating all Gravatar identicons

We've recently discovered a vulnerability in our identicon generation process. To remedy it, we have changed how we approach generating them and regenerated all identicons. We do not have any ...
86 votes
0 answers

Make it clear what exactly we flagged

In the flag summary page, we see now all kinds of flags we submitted including comment flags that until recently were not visible in the summary except for raw number on the side. That's all good. ...
81 votes
0 answers

How can we improve the Stack Exchange API?

The Stack Exchange API allows users to programmatically query and connect to the Stack Exchange Network of sites. The API is currently in version 2.3. We’re collecting feedback from users of the API, ...
77 votes
0 answers

Nailing it up on your Community Bulletin Board

Community Bulletin was redesigned on June 23, 2014 More info on Redesigned community bulletin. As some of you may have noticed, there's a new feature on Stack Exchange: The Community Bulletin box is ...
76 votes
0 answers

How is question quality measured in A/B tests?

As sites grow, there's a noticeable increase in community unhappiness with question quality. Quite a bit of the problem is simply a matter of scale, but sites sometimes optimize for extremes. Bad ...
76 votes
0 answers

Give mods/communities better tools for large retagging jobs

TL;DR This issue remains unresolved seven years later. Please enable communities to deprecate tags. I suggest that deprecated tags could no longer be added to question posts (but allowed to remain ...

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