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Questions tagged [userscript]

A userscript is a small extension to a browser, written in JavaScript, enabling extra functionality on a webpage. If you have a question about a specific Stack Exchange userscript, try to locate it on Stack Apps; such questions are off-topic here.

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11 votes
1 answer

Global Flag Summary userscript is no longer working due to rate-limiting changes

When running the Global Flag Summary userscript, 57 out of the 244 sites it calls to were successful, and the rest produced error status codes. Most produced 404 status codes, but towards the end of ...
Starship's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I install the Stack Exchange Auto Comments for Google Chrome?

How can I install Auto Comments script for Google Chrome? The Google Chrome extension listed on GitHub doesn't exist anymore.
Jim G.'s user avatar
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50 votes
1 answer

2023 DOM Changelog for Userscript Community

Here's a thread to catalog any minor DOM updates we do throughout 2023 just to give folks in the user community a bit of a heads up and an official source of documentation around any DOM changes. ...
KyleMit's user avatar
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64 votes
52 answers

Essential Stack Exchange user scripts and the dependencies they utilize

As part of our discovery for providing a JavaScript API for user scripts, we want to know what user scripts you're currently using. This can be used to report user scripts that you use and the global ...
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
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258 votes
7 answers

Providing a JavaScript API for userscripts

Over the years, a number of community members have developed unofficial browser userscripts to add or supplement functionality on our platform. While we do have an official API, these scripts ...
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Is there a userscript which keeps track of the questions that I use as dup-targets?

I'm just wondering if someone has a userscript that keeps track of the links that one uses when closing questions as duplicate. The main purpose is to avoid having to manually create (and maintain) ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Implement LegacyProfiles userscript as additional option in the user profile

When I find a question that I want to answer, I look at the user's profile to understand whether it is feasible to wait for a response or not. The same with comments, answers and so on. How do I do ...
user avatar
-14 votes
1 answer

JavaScript error 'StackExchange.ready is not a function' when visiting [closed]

This is a bug. I try to view another site, and it works fine, but I have a problem on Stack Exchange. Details: I open this URL: and open the console. After a few seconds, ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Download code blocks as file

Are there any browser addons, user scripts, SEDE magic, etc. to download code blocks from Stack Exchange posts? Background use case: I'm working on a collection of test cases for the LaTeX beamer ...'s user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a definitive list of URL patterns of Stack Exchange sites for use in user scripts?

When writing user scripts, one needs to insert @include / @match directives at the start of the script so that the script knows on which sites it should execute. Naturally, people sometimes write ...
user3840170's user avatar
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-16 votes
1 answer

Get rid of the "Established User" privilege [duplicate]

The Established User privilege which is gained at one thousand reputation has been around forever. We all know that it lets you see the vote count on posts. But I propose we remove the 1k reputation ...
user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Why are accepted answers now rendering with a dark green background? [closed]

At some point over the past few days, I've noticed that accepted answers across the network now have a green background, like this: Why is that? I'm running Chrome 84 on Windows 10, with ...
Asteroids With Wings's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to block notifications and reputation updates from specific sites?

When I'm at work or engrossed in a technical site, I generally don't like getting distracted by notifications or reputation updates from sites like Meta SE and other recreational SE sites. Is there a ...
user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

We have several Stack Apps userscripts that help with moderation, but the recent UI changes break them

I don't have anything against change, but there are APIs and userscripts we use to moderate our site. The recent UI changes that moved the stats on when things were asked/active and viewed have ...
4b0's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

How to hide the welcome back message effectively? [duplicate]

In theory, using the * wildcard on uBlock Origin should work, but it doesn't: * How to do this properly? Related: Disable “don't forget to vote” message in Meta ...
Ooker's user avatar
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