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Questions tagged [timeline]

For questions about the timeline view of questions or answers, accessible via "/posts/xxx/timeline" on any site or using the clock icon.

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Display the reason for review invalidation in timeline's comment

For more transparency on review invalidations, in the post's timeline, can the "comment" column on the line of the invalidation contain the reason for the invalidation instead of being empty?...
nalka's user avatar
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Please add an event for when a question is removed from the HNQ

Currently, when a question is added to the HNQ (Hot Network Questions), an event is created in the post's history. However (unless it was manually removed by a moderator), no event exists for when a ...
Starship's user avatar
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"This answer was migrated to another site 19 mins ago along with its parent question" but the answer timeline doesn't show that. What's going on?

I read on this deleted answer (screenshot): This answer is hidden. This answer was migrated to another site 19 mins ago along with its parent question. However, the answer timeline (screenshot) ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a delayed effect from reopening a question on subsequent close votes coming soon after?

This happened recently: A question was closed as a duplicate. I wasn't involved in this closing. It was reopened by two users with close-vote privileges but no special privileges, and one with a ...
muru's user avatar
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What does the "timeline score" of a question mean?

If you go to some questions and open history, you might see "timeline score: _". What does that mean? Does it mean the number of upvotes - downvotes? Or is it just saying who upvoted/...
John Doe's user avatar
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No more simultaneous dates?

I have noticed that in the timeline, hovering over timestamps events that occurred at the same time as others no longer shows S for simultaneous dates. For example, normally, when an edit review task ...
CPlus's user avatar
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How can I get bounty information from the API?

I want to get information about all bounties that were active within last 3-4 days. This should include started, awarded and expired bounties. How do I do this? Here are my thoughts. If a bounty is ...
avm23's user avatar
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Too small margins between user names on the timeline

In the post timeline, the margins between usernames are too small, especially when a moderator (with the additional displayed icon) has participated:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
2 votes
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Reduce the vertical spacing in the question title on the timeline page [duplicate]

There is too much vertical spacing in the question title on the timeline page when viewed on Chrome with Android. I'd suggest reducing it. Example from
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
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What is a red-highlighted event in the timeline?

When I was new to the site, I always wondered what red-highlighted timeline events meant. Some events such as review events or audits are highlighted in red: What does the red highlight mean? Why are ...
CPlus's user avatar
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Why are un-votes and their original vote dates not shown in timeline vote summaries?

I recently encountered an answer that I'd up-voted years ago. But since then, I'd learnt something that allowed me to now see a fundamental problem with it. (The post had been edited in the meantime....
Elements In Space's user avatar
-4 votes
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Let us go to the timeline of the post from homepage

This is how the homepage looks like: Beside the username, we have words like "asked", "answered", "modified", + date and time. When the mouse pointer is over those words,...
Random Person's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I set "site" to anything other than Stack Overflow, like the Blender or Ethereum Stack Exchange sites, for example?

I was able to run this request USER ID/timeline?sort=creation&page=1&pagesize=100&site=stackoverflow just fine. For some reason, when I change ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
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Multiple "became hot network question" events on timeline [duplicate]

The timeline for this question on shows multiple "became hot network question" events (see screenshot below). This looks like a bug.
Gareth Rees's user avatar
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Remove "by" from "deleted by" in timeline

It seems that the "by" word should be removed from the "deleted by" phrase in the post timeline. E.g.: Since "by" is already placed in the title of the next row in the ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar

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