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Questions tagged [status-completed]

Indicates that the request has been satisfied through the implementation of a feature or the fixing of a bug.

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1 vote
1 answer

How to move a chat under another stackexchange site?

I wanted to open this chat under mathoverflow but instead it got opened under stackoverflow. How can I move it under mathoverflow?
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Impossible to solve Cloudflare Captcha due to timeouts

For the past 15 minutes I've been trying to solve a captcha that keeps refreshing to the same page and the reason, because it's set to timeout in 500ms on a line that has 1 second latency. It keeps ...
AaA's user avatar
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35 votes
1 answer

Was the new AI search feature "test" officially announced?

In the last few hours many users have noticed the new AI powered search feature that has been added to the site. I'll leave bugs reports and general commentary on how ineffective this is to other ...
SPArcheon - on strike's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Weird box asking me to personalize my account is showing up incorrectly

I recently got this box as a pop up on a site where I have an account (Specifically saw it pop up on this page). It asks me to (reference picture): Personalize your profile Complete your profile by ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Weekly SEDE refresh is stuck

It looks like Stack Overflow has been refreshed properly, but the next couple of sites are not making any progress.
Glorfindel's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Won't let me post on Astronomy.SE

Using Firefox on Android device. Tapping the "review your question" button does nothing. Browser version is updated. But surprisingly I can post here...
user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Can't post a question neither to Game Development nor to Game Development Meta

I created title, body and filled tags. It says "Draft saved", but when I click "Review your question" button, nothing happens. I reopened browser, put the question from scratch, ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

I can’t post a new question on Puzzling Stack Exchange. Why not?

For the last few hours I have been unable to post a new question on Puzzling Stack Exchange or on Puzzling Meta. I can compose a new question the way I normally do but when I tap the Review your ...
Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Please make the timestamps of comments to have only a single color per site

I was surfing in some of SE sites and I found this strange thing: There are two types of colors for the timestamp of a comment (in some sites I think). Two examples are French site and ELU site: ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What should we do for the tag wiki of [pre] tag?

We have a pre tag on this site. This tag was previously used in this question: What is a pre vote? , but a user deleted this tag and mentioned that this tag does lack a tag wiki. (see here) I have ...
user1176409's user avatar
50 votes
0 answers

(Completed) Site maintenance - Mon, Sept 16 2024, 21:00 UTC to Tue, Sept 17 2024, 2:00 UTC (Mon, Sept 16 2024, 5pm-10pm ET)

[UPDATE - Maintenance has been completed] We have planned network maintenance that will impact Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange users. The window is scheduled for Monday, September 16 2024, 21:00 UTC ...
Dalmarus's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

The SE Chat WebSocket is down, returning status 520 (NS_ERROR_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

On normal chat room pages on, the stock code in master-chat.js tries to establish a WebSocket connection to wss://, which is currently ...
Makyen's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Username in chat now has wrong color as a visited link

This seems similar to this bug report: Visited chat info page buttons now have a dark background color, making them hard to read. It is now marked status-completed. Maybe fixing the issue in that ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.5k
13 votes
1 answer

Styling of comment timestamps becomes similar to usernames when I click onto the timestamps

Maybe related to this, but the reproduction step aren’t the same and I think it is more related to this new announcement. I think this bug is related to “visited timestamps”. First way to reproduce: ...
user1176409's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Image uploading isn't working

When attempting to upload an image, either via chat or via the main site, I'm shown "An error occured, please try again". For (perhaps obvious) reasons, I can't upload a screenshot to ...
emanresu A's user avatar
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