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Questions tagged [last-activity]

Use for the "Active" timestamp displayed above questions; for the "Last seen" on a user profile, use [profile-page]

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Saved Lists sorted by Activity doesn't display when the latest activity occurred

Lists of Saves can be sorted by: Score, Activity, Views, Newest, or Added. The sorting of the posts seems to work fine, but... For example, if sorted by Activity, the list shows when the posts were ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
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"Modified" link sometimes takes me to footer

On the site's start page, if I open the "modified" link of one of the listed questions in a new background tab, I sometimes end up in the footer rather than at the modifed question or answer....
tripleee's user avatar
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When using search and sorting by activity, user action is sometimes missing

On Puzzling.SE I used the search created:2023 and sorted by Active, and it looks as though some of the posts have a missing action between the user and the time. (The same bug as the one for migrated ...
CDR's user avatar
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Have questions display that they were recently answered, despite minor edits since

I often write an answer to questions on sites like Earth Science and then inevitably wind up editing it shortly thereafter, realizing I've missed a few things or made typos. However, it has seemed ...
JeopardyTempest's user avatar
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'modified ... ago' does not always link to last activity [duplicate]

Normally, when the last activity on a question is a deleted answer, like in this case: the link under (in this case) 'modified 2 days ago' contains a lastactivity parameter: https://meta....
Glorfindel's user avatar
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We're changing the word "Active" to "Modified" below the title on question pages

In the coming weeks, we're going to implement a small change: We are changing the word "Active" to "Modified" in the subhead displayed below the title when you're viewing a ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
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Left side of post edit info (last activity) is cut off in responsive view on mobile [duplicate]

In the question listing on my mobile responsive view, when a post's edit information (i.e. the last activity on the post) overflows onto a second line, the left side of this information is cut off/...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
3 votes
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Alignment/spacing issue with last activity on Home page [duplicate]

The last activity on a question is sometimes misaligned/improperly spaced on the Home page. This is possibly due to a long username combined with a lengthy activity description? Observed on Safari on ...
The Amplitwist's user avatar
20 votes
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Please show the date of the last public action of an account in the profile

After the rather controversial decision of removing the last seen information, I would like to request having a "last action" field. While discussing on Meta Stack Overflow, ayhan came up ...
Félix Gagnon-Grenier's user avatar
6 votes
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Questions with new activity on deleted answers shouldn't be bumped to users with <10k rep

When checking the home page ('Active' tab), I keep seeing questions with new activities on deleted answers (new answer, edit, etc). The only problem is I don't have the privilege to view those ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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14 votes
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Indicate publicly why questions with deleted answers are bumped

When an old question gets a new spam answer, that answer gets deleted quickly and the question gets bumped to the home page. Only users with 10,000 reputation can tell why that question is listed as &...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
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Answered question displaying as modified [duplicate]

I answered a question this morning on, then went to make a small edit to my answer which I reconsidered and cancelled by pressing cancel. I have made no other edits or additions to the ...
Swifty's user avatar
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/?lastactivity doesn't redirect to latest activity

Reproduced on at least SFF and MSE, on: Windows 10, Firefox 74.0, logged in Android 5.1.1, Chrome 80.0.3987.132, logged in Windows 10, Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0, logged out (by copy-pasting a ...
Jenayah's user avatar
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Unanswered questions do not show Active time

Normally a post shows the active time after first edit. One post of mine does not show that information, does that indicate the post is not a normal state? If yes, what it is?
WXJ96163's user avatar
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Does re-opening, using the dupe hammer, cause the question to be modified? [duplicate]

I saw my own question in the recently active question lists as this: And I wonder what caused this specific user to show up as having modified it. I know that edits, and (deleted) answers cause a ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 36.2k

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