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Questions tagged [images]

For questions about the images used on Stack Exchange sites or about using images in your own posts.

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4 votes
1 answer

How can one export an animated GIF for SE posting?

Following this decision to limit animated GIF sizes I don't agree with, I've been having a hard time knowing how to ask questions that require visual documentation on SE sites like Graphic Design, ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Mostly unable to see images on Stack Exchange sites

A few months ago I largely lost the ability to see images on Stack Exchange sites, but only on my office computer (and all coworkers have the same issue, so it's not my computer, but maybe our office ...
Andreas Rejbrand's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to align images to the top in a table?

I don't know if this question was answered before. Is there a way to align images to the top in a table: Picture one Picture two
Danielillo's user avatar
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23 votes
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Could we support animated WebP images?

Could we please have support added for animated WebP images? I wanted to upload an animated WebP on But it turns out animated WebP images are not supported: ...
Johan Walles's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Image uploading isn't working

When attempting to upload an image, either via chat or via the main site, I'm shown "An error occured, please try again". For (perhaps obvious) reasons, I can't upload a screenshot to ...
emanresu A's user avatar
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The Stacks editor still enforces a 2 MiB image size limit, and doesn't support the automatic image resizing that the normal editor does

Stacks-editor has a hard limit of 2 MiB on image upload, unlike the default editor (10 MiB): Feature request: Add automatic image resizing on image uploads over 2 MiB to the Stacks editor.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
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Animated PNGs (APNGs) unexpectedly become static if over 2 MiB when using the image uploader

Animated PNGs (APNGs) become static if over 2 MiB when using the image uploader. Looks like the compressor that is triggered for uploaded files over 2 MiB doesn't support animated PNGs. Example with ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Shorthand URLs for Images results in post-blocking error when writing a Post or Editing a post with existing shorthand URLs for Images [duplicate]

Across the SE Sites, you can use // to replace https:// for URLs in posts to shorten a URL. An example of this is this link (look at this post's source to see it). However, if you try this with an ...
Timothy G.'s user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to get SE sstatic images for my website

I've written about 2,500 questions and answers in Stack Exchange sites. About half of them I scrape into my website on GitHub Pages for customized presentation and searching. A short time ago all the ...
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

GIF size limit is extremely small and easy to hit; increase it to allow for more practical uploads

Current limitation: One cannot upload animated GIF images with over 50 million overall pixels (resolution times frames). Feature request: Allow GIF animated images with over 50 million pixels. ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Can't see the attached images in Stack Exchange questions in Sweden

Since last week, I can not see the images attached to questions in any Stack Exchange site. I have tried accessing the same thread from different browsers and different devices. The issue is ...
Physics Student's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can you see images? Should I/we report an outage somewhere?

[Edit: I can again see the images today on 5th August '24] [Edit2: Whoops, false start! Apparently I can now see the images under the link Realistically randomize Rubik's Cube that I reported here and ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

It should be more obvious how to add titles to images

There's a related feature request from 2010, but I'm not sure that feature request is necessarily asking for the right thing. Image tags have two attributes - alt text and titles. The alt text is used ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Could the new picture hosting system be bringing up thumbnails?

On some questions on DIY.SE, such as this one, when clicking on the decently-sized and detailed pictures in the question: Very tiny and un-zoomable pictures like thumbnails show, instead of big-size ...
Triplefault's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do I delete an image which was uploaded using the image uploader, but isn't included in any post? [duplicate]

If you copy an image and paste it into the Stack Exchange editor while creating or editing a Question or Answer, the image will be automatically uploaded to SE's image hosting service. Is there a way ...
user3728501's user avatar

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