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Questions tagged [character-limit]

For questions about the minimum and/or maximum of the number of characters you can enter into various slots.

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Please add a character count for the private note edit boxes on the Save to dialog for saves

It is possible to create a private note when saving a post to a Saves list and this private note can be up to 500 characters long. However, at the moment, there is no indication how many characters ...
PeterJames's user avatar
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Has it ever been considered to raise the 30K character limit for answers?

Most Superuser questions can be comprehensively answered within the confines of 30K characters, however there are the occasional comprehensive answers that could benefit from additional comprehensive ...
JW0914's user avatar
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Custom comment when sharing feedback doesn't warn of the character limit and simply truncates the text

When reviewing and sharing feedback with a custom comment, the little box thing where I type the comment doesn't warn of the 500-character limit, nor does it give me a countdown of how many characters ...
CDR's user avatar
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Request for new user limitation: minimum character count to ask a question

Over at Worldbuilding we periodically receive new users who (not surprisingly) don't believe they need to take the tour or read the Help Center pages before they use the site. Call it being human... ...
JBH's user avatar
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Warn BEFORE of 6 character edit limit, not AFTER

It was a bright sunny day. We noticed something amiss in somebody else's post. We thought, "Let's be helpful, and fix it." So we set our hand to (gasp) editing it. We thereupon see: Your ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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Editing the body of a question can sometimes cause the title to change without any prompting ...

There is a trimming routine that removes or changes certain punctuation at the end of a title. For example if you try to end a title with ... it will be removed from the title, when you hit submit. ...
Sriotchilism O'Zaic's user avatar
13 votes
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I cannot flag a comment as "Something else" with an explanation longer than 200 characters

I think that there is now a 500 character limit for the "Something else" text box for flagging a comment, however the system gives me an error message when I tried to submit an explanation ...
PeterJames's user avatar
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"comments must be at least 15 characters in length" when I am trying to post a question [duplicate]

I have been trying to post a question on Stack Overflow for the first time. My title and body meet the minimum character requirements, but when I try to post it, I get "Comments must be at least ...
aenika's user avatar
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Indicate or limit character capacity in custom comment textarea of review modal

I was reviewing a first question from a new user today in the review queue and wrote a custom comment that was evidently too long. At the time of writing, I didn't realize that I exceeded the ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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Count length of comment only by the markdown formatted *result* length, not by its *raw input* length [duplicate]

When adding markdown formatted links, you have the chance to give a short and readable name to a link, using : I have to change it to: to be able to comment. Result: If I try to save some space in ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Ignore formatting and links when determining if comments exceed size limit [duplicate]

The max size of comments seems OK, but can we calculate it based on rendered character count, rather than input character count? For example, this input: This sentence has *emphasis* and a [link](...
Bohemian's user avatar
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A[n] [In]complete Character-Limiting Guide to Stack Exchange

The Stack Exchange network user interface has a lot of forms, and subsequently, inputs with various character limits in place. Some of them are notorious (such as custom moderator flag character limit ...
0Valt's user avatar
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Increase message size for “other” flag details [duplicate]

When user wants to flag some comment and select “something else” there is a prompt “problem not listed above. Try to be as specific as possible.”. Unfortunately the message size is only 200 ...
Michael Freidgeim's user avatar
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Change the wording of the character-limit error from "X characters too much" to "X characters too many" on the Chat.SE profile

On my chat.SE profile, I entered a few characters too many and saw this error: Can we change that to "X characters too many", or "Too long by X characters" to be consistent with ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Pluralization issue in too-long title error message, when title is 151 characters

In the question title after trying to add more than 150 characters, there is a warning displayed over the title box. After entering the 151th character, the warning is displayed as "Too long by 1 ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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