Focus on Real-Life, Experiential Learning from Year One

Experiential learning is at the core of our mission at University of California, Irvine School of Law. Students in their first-year Lawyering Skills class will have the opportunity to interview an actual client. Also, first-year and upper-level students will have many opportunities to work on behalf of real-life clients in the law school’s robust pro bono program. Before graduation, each student will complete at least one semester of clinical education, virtually always in one of the law school’s 10 core in-house clinics. Each student works with an actual client or clients, under close supervision, in an environment designed to encourage reflection on the values and responsibilities of the legal profession. 

A key component to experiential learning at UC Irvine Law includes the Externship Program, which provides academic credit for students doing legal work for judges, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.

UC Irvine Law also provides a unique opportunity for real-world educational and professional development through the UCDC Law Program and the UCI Law in NYC Program.

An Innovative Curriculum - UCI IrvineLaw Virtual Tour