kiolia's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (63)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Current Residence: Michigan

deviantWEAR sizing preference: M

Favourite genre of music: Electronic

Favourite style of art: Realism

Favourite Visual Artist
Norman Rockwell
Favourite Movies
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Favourite TV Shows
Adventure Time, Wakfu
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Neal Stephenson, Terry Pratchett, James SA Corey
Favourite Games
Half-Life 2, Generation Zero, Night in the Woods
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
PS7, Wacom Intuos 2, Mech Pencils, Micron Pens
Other Interests
Writing, Digital art, Wake and skateboarding, Reading, Superhot Peppers
So it's been a long time, like a LONG time, since I've done anything with DA at all. It's actually kind of weird to have this account around, still. I think I want to keep it, but ... yeah. It's weird enough having samplings of my life from college forward floating around the interwebs; I can't quite imagine what it'd be like for people, say, 10-15 years younger than me to hit this point and find their entire lives have intersections with the online space here and there. Anyway: so I mentioned, like, ten years ago that I got an agent for a novel I wrote. It didn't sell, sadly, and it took a very, very long time to not sell. I wrote some other stuff. Eventually I wrote something in a very different vein that turned into a Middle-Grade sci-fi adventure story stuffed with all the stuff I loved to read when I was, say, 11 or so. Last year (yes, nine years later), my agent started shopping that and sold it almost immediately. And it's going to be a real book in real stores this
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So yeah, I haven't really put anything up in forever, but I am in fact still alive and stopping by once in a while, even yet!So much has happened since then.  Houses!  Marriages!  Toddlerses!  Sheeshes!The only problem for me with DA is that almost all my creative output has been novelses for a while, now, plus some 3D printing projects I'm not ready to share.Bye for now!
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Howdy all -- thanks for stopping by!I haven't put anything up in a while, and I'm sorry about that, but this state of affairs is likely to continue for a little while yet.I got an agent for my novel in January!It's a big deal for me, to be sure, and I'm ecstatic to be moving forward with the publishing process.  On the other hand, I'm also knee-deep in revisions right now, prepping the manuscript so my agent can start pitching it to publishers, and that's sort of like a second full-time job right now.  Work all day, get home, write until bedtime.  It just means some things are falling through the cracks for the time being, like changing th...
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Profile Comments 93

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MrGameZone's avatar
kiolia's avatar
yuigg yreege y!
JoeSlucher's avatar
Thanks for the devwatch James!
MrGameZone's avatar
happy birthday again
kiolia's avatar
Hey, thanks.
MrGameZone's avatar
happy birthday man

yall still alive?
kiolia's avatar
Thanks!  Yep, still alive, just focused very (VERY) much on writing projects for the past year or two -- what little art I've been doing, I can't share here right now.  Hopefully that will eventually change again when I get more time to work on art projects.