We are happy to share that the Journal of Forest Science gained the Impact Factor ! IF 2022 (WoS) value is 1.1

Impact factor (WoS):

2023: 1.1
Q3 – Forestry

SCImago Journal Rank (SCOPUS)

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Journal of Forest Science

  • ISSN 1212-4834 (Print)
  • ISSN 1805-935X (On-line)

An international open access peer-reviewed journal published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. Published since 1955 (by 1999 under the title Lesnictv�-Forestry)

Aims & Scope

Original results of basic and applied research from all fields of forestry related to European forest ecosystems and their functions including those in the landscape and wood production chain are published in original scientific papers, short communications and review articles. Articles are published in English.

Current issue

Using marteloscope in selection forestry – Study case from 'Pokojn� hora' (Czech Republic)Original Paper

Jan Kadav�, Jana Kneiflov�, Michal Kneifl, Barbora Uherkov�

J. For. Sci., 2024, 70(9):447-457 | DOI: 10.17221/29/2024-JFS  

In�today's forestry practices, integrated management is�the prevailing approach. One method gaining traction is�retention forestry, where certain trees, known as�biotope trees providing microhabitats (TreMs), are preserved during harvesting operations. This article delves into hands-on training for marking interventions using marteloscope plots, focusing specifically on�'Pokojn� hora,' a�1-hectare plot situated in�the southeast of�the Czech Republic. Field surveys were conducted using FieldMap technology, capturing essential data for all trees: coordinates, species, diameter, height, and health status. Additionally, details such as�wood quality, economic...

Age-related phenological and anatomical response of�European beech (Fagus sylvatica�L.) under severe summer drought conditionsOriginal Paper

Dimitrios Tsalagkas, Hanu� Vavr��k, Vladim�r Gryc, Kyriaki Giagli

J. For. Sci., 2024, 70(9):458-475 | DOI: 10.17221/16/2024-JFS  

The year 2018 was distinguished by a warm summer with extended periods of low or no precipitation. In this context, we investigated the intra-annual dynamics of xylem differentiation phases and quantitative vessel anatomy to analyse the age effect on the xylem formation response of younger (50 years) and older (135 years) mature European beech trees under summer drought conditions. The xylem formation dynamics of young and old trees were performed on microcores collected at weekly intervals in the R�jec-N�m�ice ecological station in the South Moravia region (Czech Republic). The onset of xylem formation was found identical in both age trees, and most...

Vegetation composition, chemical element flows and their interactions in the forested riparian zone: An example from a small stream in LatviaOriginal Paper

Līga Pentju�a, Toms Artūrs �tāls, Arta Bārdule, Zane Lībiete, Linda Gerra-Inohosa

J. For. Sci., 2024, 70(9):476-491 | DOI: 10.17221/32/2024-JFS  

Riparian vegetation plays a�major role in�maintaining biodiversity and reducing the negative impact of�nutrient leaching into aquatic ecosystems. However, the knowledge on�the interactions between riparian vegetation and other environmental factors is�still incomplete for planning sustainable riparian forest management. The aim of�this study was to�explore interactions between riparian forest ecosystem components along a�small stream. Interactions between vegetation structure, chemical composition of�soil and groundwater, as�well as�chemical element flows via litterfall and precipitation were studied in�seven 50 m long transects located in�the...

Preliminary results from simultaneous planting of Fagus sylvatica and pioneer species on calamity clearingsOriginal Paper

Anton�n Martin�k, Zden�k Adamec, David B�ezina, Ji�� Kr�sensk�

J. For. Sci., 2024, 70(9):492-500 | DOI: 10.17221/39/2024-JFS  

We�compared the biological and economic effects of�simultaneous artificial regeneration of�mixtures of�pioneers (birch –�Betula pendula Roth or�aspen – Populus tremula L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) with plots of�monospecific beech. During the period of�two years, the height of�young beech trees, their mortality, and the regeneration cost were analysed in�the following treatments: monospecific beech (9 000 pcs·ha−1), monospecific beech (5 000 pcs·ha−1), beech/birch (5 000/2 500 pcs·ha−1) and beech/aspen (5 000/2 500 pcs·ha−1)....