On Display: Exhibitions from the House Collection

How the House Works Exhibition/tiles/non-collection/e/ex-on-display-hthw_ocomm.xml Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives
There’s always something new to discover in the U.S. Capitol and House Office Buildings. Find out about past and present House exhibitions, and browse related digital content.

ExhibitionDatesLocationLearn More
The Capitol and the Golden Age of Postcards2024–presentU.S. Capitol, Subway MezzanineExplore the digital exhibition and learn more about this exhibition
Joseph Rainey: 150th Anniversary2020–presentU.S. Capitol, First Floor House Connecting CorridorLearn more about this exhibition and about Joseph Rainey
How the House Works

2019–presentCannon House Office Building, Basement RotundaExplore the digital exhibition and learn more about this exhibition
The Members’ Dining Room

2018–presentU.S. Capitol, First Floor House RestaurantLearn more about this exhibition and about the Members’ Dining Room
House Gallery Passes: Tickets to History

2017–presentU.S. Capitol, Third Floor Gallery CorridorLearn more about this exhibition and about gallery passes
Campaign Collectibles: Running for Congress

2020–2023U.S. Capitol, Subway MezzanineExplore the digital exhibition and learn more about this exhibition
Cannon House Office Building

2016–2022National Archives, Center for Legislative ArchivesLearn more about this exhibition and about the Cannon House Office Building
Play Ball: Congressional Baseball Game

2018–2020U.S. Capitol, Subway MezzanineLearn more about the Congressional Baseball Game
The First Women in Congress

2017–2020U.S. Capitol, First Floor House Connecting CorridorExplore the digital exhibition and learn more about this exhibition
A Building for Mr. Sam

2015–2018Rayburn House Office Building, Main EntranceLearn more about the Rayburn House Office Building
Power Lunch, Capitol Style

2013–2016National Archives, Center for Legislative ArchivesLearn more about the Members’ Dining Room
“I'm no lady, I'm a Member of Congress”

2010–2013National Archives, Center for Legislative ArchivesLearn more about women in Congress
Call to Order! Gavels in the House of Representatives

2009–2017U.S. Capitol, Third Floor Gallery CorridorLearn more about gavels
The Tourist's Capitol: Selections from the Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives


Cannon House Office Building, First Floor Rotunda

National Archives, Center for Legislative Archives
Explore the digital exhibition
Furnishing a “Marble Palace”

2008–2014Cannon House Office Building, First Floor RotundaLearn more about the Cannon House Office Building
The Cannon Building Centennial

2008–2012Cannon House Office Building, First Floor RotundaLearn more about the Cannon House Office Building