Conservation Library

General Documents

Document Type: NDNH Publication
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Nevada Elevation Wall Map
  • Johnson, J.
2023 Wall Map Elevation v10
Nevada Surface Management Wall Map
  • Johnson, J.
2023 Wall map v14
Nevada Off-road Naturalist Trail Guide - Washoe to Virginia City
  • Johnson, Janel
2021 Trail Guide Visit 
Nevada Map of Biodiversity Importance
  • NatureServe Network
2020 Nevada MoBI Map Visit 
Locational Uncertainty and Conceptual Feature Type Key and Chart
  • Johnson, Janel
2016 Key and Chart
Scorecard 2006: NNHP Highest Priority Conservation Sites
  • Nevada Natural Heritage Program
2006 Visit 
NDNH Current Watch List
  • Nevada Division of Natural Heritage
NDNH Current Watch List July 2023 Watch List January 2023 Watch List July 2022 Watch List
NDNH Current Tracking List
  • Nevada Division of Natural Heritage
NDNH Current Tracking List July 2023 Tracking List January 2023 Tracking List July 2022 Tracking List
Document Type: Website
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Cheatgrass: the invader that won the west. USDI Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office, Boise
  • Pellant, M.
1996 Visit 
  • California Academy of Sciences
Document Type: Database
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
CalPhotos 2012 Visit 
  • California Academy of Sciences
NatureServe Explorer
  • NatureServe
Document Type: Book
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Sierra East: edge of the Great Basin
  • Smith, G.
Nevada Wildlife Viewing Guide
  • Clark, J. L.
Natural History of the White-Inyo Range, eastern California
  • Hall, C. A., Jr.
Document Type: Popular Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Nevada Map of Biodiversity Importance
  • NatureServe Network
2020 Nevada MoBI Map Visit 
Nevada Wildlife Viewing Guide
  • Clark, J. L.
Document Type: Journal Article
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Historical orthoimagery of the Lake Tahoe Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 376. Version 1.0
  • Soulard, C. E.
  • Raumann, C. G.
2008 Visit 
Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and savanna ecosystems
  • Herrick, J. E.
  • Van Zee, J. W.
  • Havstad, K. M.
  • Burkett, L. M.
  • Whitford, W. G.
2005 Visit 
A homeowners guide to cheatgrass (draft)
  • Davison, J.
  • Smith, E.

Botany Documents

Document Type: NDNH Publication
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Nevada Rare Plant Atlas
  • Morefield, J. D.
2001 NV Rare Plant Atlas, all pages Atlas Introduction
NDNH Current Watch List
  • Nevada Division of Natural Heritage
NDNH Current Watch List July 2023 Watch List January 2023 Watch List July 2022 Watch List
NDNH Current Tracking List
  • Nevada Division of Natural Heritage
NDNH Current Tracking List July 2023 Tracking List January 2023 Tracking List July 2022 Tracking List
Document Type: Technical Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Intermountain Region Herbarium Network
  • Consortium of Intermountain Herbaria
  • California Academy of Sciences
New York Botanical Garden Press
  • Scientific Publications Department of the New York Botanical Garden
California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Inventory 6th edition
  • California Native Plant Society
The Jepson eFlora. 2012-present
  • Jepson Flora Project Staff
Flora of North America North of Mexico [Online]. 1993-present
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee
Document Type: Database
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
2012 National Wetland Plant List
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service
2012 Visit 
CalPhotos 2012 Visit 
The C. V. Starr Virtual Herbarium 2012
The PLANTS Database
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service
2012 Visit 
Intermountain Region Herbarium Network
  • Consortium of Intermountain Herbaria
  • California Academy of Sciences
The Jepson eFlora. 2012-present
  • Jepson Flora Project Staff
Document Type: Technical Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Flora of the Pacific Northwest: an illustrated manual, 2nd edition
  • Hitchcock, C. L.
  • Cronquist, A.
2018 Visit 
A Utah Flora, 5th edition
  • Welsh, S. L.
  • Atwood, N. D.
  • Goodrich, S.
  • Higgins, L. C.
2015 Visit 
The Jepson Manual: vascular plants of California, thoroughly revised and expanded
  • Baldwin, B. (Editor)
  • Goldman, D. (Editor)
  • Keil, D. (Editor)
  • Patterson, R. (Editor)
  • Rosatti, T. (Editor)
2012 Visit 
Field Guide to the Sedges of the Pacific Northwest
  • Wilson, B. L.
  • Brainerd, R.
  • Lytjen, D.
  • Newhouse, B.
  • Otting, N.
Field Guide to the Sedges of the Pacific Northwest
  • Wilson, B. L.
  • Brainerd, L.
  • Lytjen, D.
  • Newhouse, B.
  • Otting, N.
Nevada trees & wildflowers: an introduction to familiar species
  • Kavanagh, J.
Cacti, agaves, and yuccas of California and Nevada
  • Ingram, S.
Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of the Spring Mountains, Clark and Nye counties, Nevada
  • Niles, W. E.
  • Leary, P. J.
2007 Visit 
A field guide to Nevada grasses
  • Perryman, B. L.
  • Skinner, Q. D.
The Bristlecone Book: a natural history of the world’s oldest trees
  • Lanner, R. M.
Great Basin wildflowers: a guide to the common wildflowers of the high deserts of Nevada, Utah, and Oregon
  • Blackwell, L. R.
Sierra Nevada Natural History, Revised Edition
  • Storer, T. I.
  • Usinger, R. L.
Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region, vol. 2
  • Nash, T. H. III
  • Ryan, B. D.
  • Diederich, P.
  • Gries, C.
  • Bungartz, F.
Gathering moss: a natural and cultural history of the mosses
  • Kimmerer, R. W.
A flora of the Desert National Wildlife Range, Nevada
  • Ackerman, T. L.
  • Bair, J.
  • Tiehm, A.
2003 Visit 
Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region, vol. 1
  • Nash, T. H. III
  • Ryan, B. D.
  • Diederich, P.
  • Gries, C.
  • Bungartz, F.
The Jepson desert manual: Vascular plants of southeastern California
  • Baldwin, B. G.
  • Boyd, S.
  • Ertter, B. J.
  • Patterson, R.W.
  • Rosatti, T. J.
  • Wilken, D. H.
  • Wetherwax, M.
Native plants of southern Nevada: An ethnobotany
  • Rhode, D.
Wildflowers of the Eastern Sierra and adjoining Mojave Desert and Great Basin
  • Blackwell, L. R.
Lichens of North America
  • Brodo, I. M.
  • Sharnoff, S. D.
  • Sharnoff, S.
Roadside Use of Native Plants
  • Harper-Lore, B. L.
  • Wilson, M.
Conifers of California
  • Lanner, R. M.
Plants of the Tahoe Basin: flowering plants, trees, and ferns
  • Graf, M.
Desert wildflowers of North America
  • Taylor, R. J.
Mojave Desert Wildflowers
  • Stewart, J. M.
Sierra Nevada wildflowers
  • Horn, E. L.
Ruby Mountain flora
  • Humboldt National Forest Interpretive Association
Wildflowers of the Tahoe Sierra, from forest deep to mountain peak
  • Blackwell, L. R.
Nevada vascular plant types and their collectors. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 77
  • Tiehm, A.
Atlas of Nevada conifers: a phytogeographic reference
  • Charlet, D. A.
A Sierra Nevada flora
  • Weeden, N. F.
Nevada Wildlife Viewing Guide
  • Clark, J. L.
The moss flora of Mexico. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 69
  • Sharp, A. J.
  • Crum, H.
  • Eckel, P.
The Cruciferae of continental North America: Systematics of the mustard family from the Arctic to Panama
  • Rollins, R.C.
The Jepson manual: Higher plants of California
  • Hickman, J. C.
Sagebrush country: a wildflower sanctuary
  • Taylor, R. J.
Gentle conquest: The botanical discovery of North America with illustrations from the Library of Congress
  • Reveal, J. L.
Peavine Mountain, Nevada, part 2: vascular plants of Peavine Mountain
  • Nachlinger, J. L.
  • Peterson, F. F.
  • Williams, M. J.
1992 Visit 
Peavine Mountain, Nevada, part 1: the character of Peavine Mountain
  • Nachlinger, J. L.
  • Peterson, F. F.
  • Williams, M. J.
1992 Visit 
Wildflower walking in Lakes Basin of the northern Sierra
  • Fauver, T.
  • Steinbach, M. M.
Natural History of the White-Inyo Range, eastern California
  • Hall, C. A., Jr.
Rare and endangered plants of Oregon
  • Eastman, D. C.
Lingering in Tahoe’s wild gardens
  • Carville, J. S.
A flora of Nevada
  • Kartesz, J. T.
Shrubs of the Great Basin: a natural history
  • Mozingo, H. N.
Trees of the Great Basin: a natural history
  • Lanner, R. M.
The cacti of the United States and Canada
  • Benson, L.
National Audubon Society field guide to North American wildflowers : western region
  • Spellenberg, R.
Vascular plants of the Nevada Test Site and central-southern Nevada
  • Beatley, J. C.
A field guide to Pacific States wildflowers
  • Niehaus, T. F.
  • Ripper, C. L.
The native orchids of the United States and Canada excluding Florida
  • Luer, C. A.
Wildflowers 2: Sagebrush country
  • Taylor, R. J.
  • Valum, R. W.
Sierra wildflowers: Mt. Lassen to Kern County
  • Niehaus, T. F.
Mosses: Utah and the West
  • Flowers, S.
Vascular plants of the Pacific Northwest
  • Hitchcock, C. L.
  • Cronquist, A.
  • Ownbey, M.
  • Thompson, J. W.
Daleae imagines: An illustrated revision of Erazurizia, Psorothamnus, Marina, and Dalea Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 27
  • Barneby, R. C.
Atlas of North American Astragalus. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 13
  • Barneby, R. C.
Illustrated flora of the Pacific states: Washington, Oregon, and California
  • Abrams, L.
  • Ferris, R. S.
Flora of North America North of Mexico. 1993-present
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee
Intermountain flora; vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. 1972-2017
  • Cronquist, A.
  • Holmgren, N.
  • Holmgren, P.
  • Reveal, J.
  • Barneby, R.
Document Type: Popular Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Tahoe yellow cress: a unique piece of Tahoe
  • Natural Resouces Conservation Service
2009 Tahoe Yellowcress Brochure Visit 
The Bristlecone Book: a natural history of the world’s oldest trees
  • Lanner, R. M.
Sierra Nevada Natural History, Revised Edition
  • Storer, T. I.
  • Usinger, R. L.
Gathering moss: a natural and cultural history of the mosses
  • Kimmerer, R. W.
A flora of the Desert National Wildlife Range, Nevada
  • Ackerman, T. L.
  • Bair, J.
  • Tiehm, A.
2003 Visit 
Roadside Use of Native Plants
  • Harper-Lore, B. L.
  • Wilson, M.
Nevada vascular plant types and their collectors. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 77
  • Tiehm, A.
A Sierra Nevada flora
  • Weeden, N. F.
Nevada Wildlife Viewing Guide
  • Clark, J. L.
Gentle conquest: The botanical discovery of North America with illustrations from the Library of Congress
  • Reveal, J. L.
Peavine Mountain, Nevada, part 2: vascular plants of Peavine Mountain
  • Nachlinger, J. L.
  • Peterson, F. F.
  • Williams, M. J.
1992 Visit 
Peavine Mountain, Nevada, part 1: the character of Peavine Mountain
  • Nachlinger, J. L.
  • Peterson, F. F.
  • Williams, M. J.
1992 Visit 
Wildflower walking in Lakes Basin of the northern Sierra
  • Fauver, T.
  • Steinbach, M. M.
Lingering in Tahoe’s wild gardens
  • Carville, J. S.
California native plants: Wildflowers of the desert
  • California Native Plant Society
The native orchids of the United States and Canada excluding Florida
  • Luer, C. A.
Steamboat Buckwheat
  • Nevada Division of Forestry
Steamboat Buckwheat Brochure
Document Type: Status Report
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Carson Valley Monkeyflower Status Report
  • Johnson, J.
2018 Carson Valley Monkeyflower Final Status Report
Fact Sheet
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2009 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2010 Annual Report 2009
Mitigation Options for Tahoe Yellow Cress TYC
  • Stanton, Alison
  • Pavlik, Bruce
2009 Translocation Report
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2008 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2009 Annual Report 2008
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2007 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2008 Annual Report 2007
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2006 Annual Report
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2007 Annual Report 2006
Table C 2006
A conservation management strategy for nine low elevation rare plants in Clark County, Nevada Final Report, 17 April 2007
  • The Nature Conservancy
2007 Visit 
Surveys of known and potential occurrences of William’s combleaf (Polyctenium williamsiae Rollins) and an update on distribution and management
  • Stanton, A.E.
  • Pavlik, B.M.
Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Penstemon bicolor (Brandegee) Clokey & Keck (Plantaginaceae), the two-tone beardtongue
  • Smith, F. J.
2006 Text


Overview Map

Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) V. Experimental Reintroductions, Year Two
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2006 Conservation Strategy Section 5
Genetic monitoring of Rorippa subumbellata (Tahoe yellow cress)
  • DeWoody, J.
  • Hipkins, V. D.
2006 Genetics Report
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2005 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2006 Annual Report 2005
Current Knowledge and Caonservation of Cylindropuntia multigeniculata (Cactaceae), the Blue Diamond cholla
  • Baker
  • M.A.
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) IV. Experimental Reintroductions, Year One.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2005 Conservation Strategy Section 4
Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2004 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2005 Annual Report 2004
Table C 2004
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) III. Pilot Project to Support Reintroduction Experiments
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2004 Conservation Strategy Section 3
Final report: Expanded evaluation of genetic diversity in Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata)
  • DeWoody, J.
  • Hipkins, V. D.
2004 Report
Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Polyctenium williamsiae Rollins (Brassicaceae; including Polyctenium fremontii var. confertum Rollins), the Williams combleaf
  • Holland, R. F.
  • Morefield, J. D.
2003 Text


Overview Map

Detailed Maps 2-10

Detailed Maps 11-19

Detailed Maps 20-28

Detailed Maps 29-37

Detailed Maps 38-46

Detailed Maps 47-55

Detailed Maps 56-64
Conservation Status Report for Arabis rectissima E. Greene var. simulans Rollins (Brassicaceae), the Washoe Tall Rockcress
  • Morefield, J. D.
2003 Text

Detailed Maps

Overview Map

Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2002 Annual Survey Report
  • California State Lands Commission
2003 Annual Report 2002
Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) Final 2003 Annual Report
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2003 Annual Report 2003
Appendix C 2003

Appendix E 2003
Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa submbellata)
  • Pavlik, B.
Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Astragalus oophorus var. clokeyanus Barneby (Fabaceae), the Clokey eggvetch
  • Smith, F. J.
2002 Text


Overview Map

Detailed Maps 2-7

Detailed Maps 8-13

Detailed Maps 14-19

Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) II. Key Management Questions as a Framework for Research
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • O'Leary, A. N.
2002 Conservation Strategy Section 2
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) I. Seed Collection, Assessment of Reproductive Output, and Propagation for Reintroduction
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Childs, J.
2002 Conservation Strategy Section 1
Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2001 Annual Survey Report
  • California State Lands Commission
2002 Annual Report 2001
Rare plant survey of the Hawthorne Army Depot, Mineral County, Nevada Part I: survey report
  • Nachlinger, J.
Population Assessment of Astragalus mokiacensis, Astragalus amphioxys var. musimonum, and Astragalus funereus in Nevada, California and Arizona
  • Alexander
  • J.
Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Ivesia webberi Gray (Rosaceae), the Webber ivesia, in Nevada
  • Witham, C.
2000 Text

Detailed Maps

Overview Map

Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Ivesia aperta (J. T. Howell) Munz var. aperta (Rosaceae), the Sierra Valley ivesia, in Nevada
  • Witham, C.
2000 Text

Detailed Maps

Overview Map

Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Frasera gypsicola Barneby (Gentianaceae), the Sunnyside green gentian, in Nevada
  • Smith, F. J.
2000 Text
Detailed Maps

Overview Map

Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Eriogonum robustum E. Greene (Polygonaceae), the altered andesite buckwheat
  • Morefield, J. D.
2000 Text

Overview Map


Detailed Maps 1-7

Detailed Maps 8-13

Detailed Maps 14-19

Detailed Maps 20-25
Evaluation of genetic diversity in Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata)
  • Saich, R. C.
  • Hipkins, V. D.
2000 Report
Survey of special status plants in the eastern Mojave Desert
  • Niles, W.E.
  • Leary, P.J.
  • Holland, J.S.
  • Landau, F.J.
Conservation status of Draba paucifructa Clokey & Hitchcock in Hitchcock, (Brassicaceae), Charleston draba, Clark County, Nevada, U.S.A.
  • Nachlinger, J.
  • Sheldon, S.
Conservation status of Arenaria kingii (S. Wats.) M.E. Jones ssp. rosea Maguire, (Caryophyllaceae), Rosy King sandwort, Clark County, U.S.A
  • Nachlinger, J.
  • Sheldon, S.
Synopsis of 1999 Tahoe yellow cress annual surveys
  • California State Lands Commission
Survey of special plants in the eastern Mojave Desert
  • Niles, W.E.
  • Leary, P.J.
  • Holland, J.S.
Sensitive plant surveys
  • Frank, C.A.
Distribution of Clokey’s eggvetch (Astragalus oophrus var. clokeyanus) on the Nevada Test Site
  • Anderson
  • D.C.
Field investigation of an unidentified wild buckwheat, Eriogonum sp., Silver Springs, Nevada
  • Picciani, J.
  • Reynolds, J.
Survey of special status plants in the eastern Mojave Desert
  • Niles, W.E.
  • Leary, P.J.
  • Holland, J.S.
  • Landau, F.J
Conservation status of Synthyris ranunculina Pennell, (Scrophulariaceae), Charleston kittentails, Clark County, Nevada, U.S.A.
  • Nachlinger, J.
  • Sheldon, S.
An inventory for rare, threatened, endangered, and endemic plants and unique communities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Final Vol. IV
  • Knight, T.
  • Smith, F.
  • Pritchett, D
Survey of special status plants in the eastern Mojave Desert
  • Niles, W.E.
  • Leary, P.J.
  • Holland, J.S.
  • Landau, F.J.
Rare Plant survey of the Shedlon National Wildlife Refuge
  • Nachlinger, J.
  • Tiehm, A.
An inventory of rare, threatened, endangered, and endemic plants and unique communities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada Vol. III
  • Knight, T.
  • Smith, F.
Final report for challenge cost share project inventory for least phacelia (Phacelia minutissima) a Bureau of Land Management special status plant
  • Atwood
  • N.D.
Current Knowledge and Conservation Status of Eriogonum lewisii Reveal (Polygonaceae), the Lewis buckwheat
  • Morefield, J. D.
1996 Text


Overview Map
Humboldt National Forest Mountain City & Jarbridge district sensitive plant survey 1995
  • Smith, F.J.
  • Curto, M.
Status report: Sphaeromeria compacta (H.M. Hall) Holmgren, Shultz, & Lowrey
  • Smith, F.J.
Status report: Ivesia cryptocaulis (Clokey) Keck
  • Smith, F.J.
Status report: Antennaria soliceps Blake.
  • Smith, F.J.
Survey of special status plants in the eastern Mojave Desert
  • Niles, W.E.
  • Holland, J.S.
  • Leary, P.J.
  • Landau, F.H.
Status report: Astragalus oophorus var. clokeyanus Barneby
  • Nalinger, J.
  • Sheldon, S.
Report on the conservation status of Lepidium davisii
  • Moseley, R.K.
Draft biological assessment of Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata Roll)
  • Manchester, L.
  • Ferreira, J.
  • Coates, B.
An inventory for rare, threatened, endangered, and endemic plants and unique communities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Linclon, and Nye Counties, Nevada, Vol. II
  • Knight, T.
  • Smith, F.
Current distribution, habitat, and status of category 2 candidate plant species on and near the U.S. Department of Energy’s Nevada Test Site
  • Blomquist, K.W
  • Lindemann, T.A.
  • Lyon, G.E.
  • Steen, D.C.
  • Willis, C.A.
  • Flick, S.A.
  • Ostler, W.K.
Spring Mountains ecosystem: an ecological investigation of sensitive plant taxa with emphasis on the status of eight candidate plants for listing under Endangered Species Act
  • Nachinger, J.
An inventory for rare, threatened, endangered, and endemic plants and unique communities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada
  • Knight, T.
  • Smith, F.
Report on the conservation status of Erigeron latus in Idaho
  • Moseley, R.K.
  • Mancuso, M.
Distribution, life history, management, and current status of Astragalus beatleyae on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Nevada Test Site
  • Blomquist, K.W.
  • Willis, C.A.
  • Ostler, W.K.
  • Rautenstrauch, K.R.
  • O'Farrell, T.P.
Report on the conservation status of Astragalus anserinus in Idaho and Utah
  • Mancuso, M.
  • Moseley, R.K.
Status Report for Potentilla basaltica Tiehm & Ertter, Washoe [Humboldt] County, Nevada, U.S.A.
  • Knight, T. A.
1990 Full Text
Status report: Eriogonum crosbyae
  • Smith, F.J.
  • Schoolcraft, G.D.
Status Report, Stroganowia tiehmii
  • Tiehm, A.
1989 Text
Status report: Arctomecon californica
  • Phillips, B.
  • Phillips, A. III
Status Report for Eriogonum bifurcatum Reveal, California and Nevada, U.S.A.
  • Knight, T. A.
1988 Full Text
Status of Populations of the Endemic Plants of Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada
  • Knight, T. A.
  • Clemmer, G.
1987 Text
Full Document
The population status and phenological characteristics of Rorippa subumbellata Roll
  • Ferreira, J. E.
Status Report: Antennaria arcuata Cronq.
  • Marriott, H.
Document Type: Journal Article
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
An annotated checklist of the bryophytes of Nevada, with notes on collecting history in the state
  • Brinda, J. C.
  • Stark, L. R.
  • Shevock, J. R.
  • Spence, J. R.
Contributions toward a bryoflora of Nevada: bryophytes new for the Silver State
  • Spence, J. R.
  • Stark, L. R.
  • Shevock, J. R.
Contributions toward a bryoflora of Nevada: bryophytes new for the Silver State
  • Shevock, J. R.
  • Spence, J. R.
  • Stark, L. R.
Contribution toward a bryoflora of California. II. A key to the mosses
  • Norris, D. H.
  • Shevock, J. R.
Contribution toward a bryoflora of California. II. A key to the mosses
  • Norris, D. H.
  • Shevock, J. R.
The eriogonoid flora of California (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae)
  • Reveal, J. L.
Annotated key to Eriogonum (Polygonaceae) of Nevada
  • Reveal, J. L.
Rorippa subumbellata Rollins: Status in the Lake Tahoe Basin
  • Knapp, C. M.
1979 Report
  • Scientific Publications Department of the New York Botanical Garden
American Journal of Botany
  • Botanical Society of America
Document Type: Book
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Flora of the Pacific Northwest: an illustrated manual, 2nd edition
  • Hitchcock, C. L.
  • Cronquist, A.
2018 Visit 
A Utah Flora, 5th edition
  • Welsh, S. L.
  • Atwood, N. D.
  • Goodrich, S.
  • Higgins, L. C.
2015 Visit 
The Jepson Manual: vascular plants of California, thoroughly revised and expanded
  • Baldwin, B. (Editor)
  • Goldman, D. (Editor)
  • Keil, D. (Editor)
  • Patterson, R. (Editor)
  • Rosatti, T. (Editor)
2012 Visit 
Germination ecology of Rorippa subumbellata (Tahoe yellow cress), an endangered, endemic species of Lake Tahoe
  • Ingolia, M.
  • Young, T. P.
  • Sutter, E. G.
2008 Report
Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of the Spring Mountains, Clark and Nye counties, Nevada
  • Niles, W. E.
  • Leary, P. J.
2007 Visit 
A conservation management strategy for nine low elevation rare plants in Clark County, Nevada.
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • NV Field Office. Clark County Desert Conservation Program.The Nature Conservancy
Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region, vol. 2
  • Nash, T. H. III
  • Ryan, B. D.
  • Diederich, P.
  • Gries, C.
  • Bungartz, F.
A cumulative checklist for the lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada
  • Esslinger
2004 Visit 
A flora of the Desert National Wildlife Range, Nevada
  • Ackerman, T. L.
  • Bair, J.
  • Tiehm, A.
2003 Visit 
Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region, vol. 1
  • Nash, T. H. III
  • Ryan, B. D.
  • Diederich, P.
  • Gries, C.
  • Bungartz, F.
The Jepson desert manual: Vascular plants of southeastern California
  • Baldwin, B. G.
  • Boyd, S.
  • Ertter, B. J.
  • Patterson, R.W.
  • Rosatti, T. J.
  • Wilken, D. H.
  • Wetherwax, M.
Biological soil crusts: Ecology and management.
  • Belnap, J.
  • Kaltenecker, J.H.
  • Rosentreter, R.
  • Williams, J.
  • Leonard, S.
  • Eldridge, D.
2001 Visit 
Nevada vascular plant types and their collectors. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 77
  • Tiehm, A.
Atlas of Nevada conifers: a phytogeographic reference
  • Charlet, D. A.
A Sierra Nevada flora
  • Weeden, N. F.
The moss flora of Mexico. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 69
  • Sharp, A. J.
  • Crum, H.
  • Eckel, P.
The Cruciferae of continental North America: Systematics of the mustard family from the Arctic to Panama
  • Rollins, R.C.
The Jepson manual: Higher plants of California
  • Hickman, J. C.
Peavine Mountain, Nevada, part 2: vascular plants of Peavine Mountain
  • Nachlinger, J. L.
  • Peterson, F. F.
  • Williams, M. J.
1992 Visit 
Peavine Mountain, Nevada, part 1: the character of Peavine Mountain
  • Nachlinger, J. L.
  • Peterson, F. F.
  • Williams, M. J.
1992 Visit 
A flora of Nevada
  • Kartesz, J. T.
The cacti of the United States and Canada
  • Benson, L.
Vascular plants of the Nevada Test Site and central-southern Nevada
  • Beatley, J. C.
The native orchids of the United States and Canada excluding Florida
  • Luer, C. A.
Mosses: Utah and the West
  • Flowers, S.
Vascular plants of the Pacific Northwest
  • Hitchcock, C. L.
  • Cronquist, A.
  • Ownbey, M.
  • Thompson, J. W.
Daleae imagines: An illustrated revision of Erazurizia, Psorothamnus, Marina, and Dalea Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 27
  • Barneby, R. C.
Atlas of North American Astragalus. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 13
  • Barneby, R. C.
Illustrated flora of the Pacific states: Washington, Oregon, and California
  • Abrams, L.
  • Ferris, R. S.
Flora of North America North of Mexico. 1993-present
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee
Intermountain flora; vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. 1972-2017
  • Cronquist, A.
  • Holmgren, N.
  • Holmgren, P.
  • Reveal, J.
  • Barneby, R.
Intermountain Region Herbarium Network
  • Consortium of Intermountain Herbaria
The Jepson eFlora. 2012-present
  • Jepson Flora Project Staff
Flora of North America North of Mexico [Online]. 1993-present
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee
Document Type: Book
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
A Utah Flora, 5th edition
  • Welsh, S. L.
  • Atwood, N. D.
  • Goodrich, S.
  • Higgins, L. C.
2015 Visit 
The Jepson Manual: vascular plants of California, thoroughly revised and expanded
  • Baldwin, B. (Editor)
  • Goldman, D. (Editor)
  • Keil, D. (Editor)
  • Patterson, R. (Editor)
  • Rosatti, T. (Editor)
2012 Visit 
Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region, vol. 2
  • Nash, T. H. III
  • Ryan, B. D.
  • Diederich, P.
  • Gries, C.
  • Bungartz, F.
Lichen flora of the greater Sonoran Desert region, vol. 1
  • Nash, T. H. III
  • Ryan, B. D.
  • Diederich, P.
  • Gries, C.
  • Bungartz, F.
The Jepson desert manual: Vascular plants of southeastern California
  • Baldwin, B. G.
  • Boyd, S.
  • Ertter, B. J.
  • Patterson, R.W.
  • Rosatti, T. J.
  • Wilken, D. H.
  • Wetherwax, M.
A Sierra Nevada flora
  • Weeden, N. F.
Flora of North America North of Mexico. 1993-present
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee
Intermountain flora; vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. 1972-2017
  • Cronquist, A.
  • Holmgren, N.
  • Holmgren, P.
  • Reveal, J.
  • Barneby, R.
The Jepson eFlora. 2012-present
  • Jepson Flora Project Staff
Flora of North America North of Mexico [Online]. 1993-present
  • Flora of North America Editorial Committee
Document Type: Book
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Field Guide to the Sedges of the Pacific Northwest
  • Wilson, B. L.
  • Brainerd, L.
  • Lytjen, D.
  • Newhouse, B.
  • Otting, N.
Nevada trees & wildflowers: an introduction to familiar species
  • Kavanagh, J.
Cacti, agaves, and yuccas of California and Nevada
  • Ingram, S.
A field guide to Nevada grasses
  • Perryman, B. L.
  • Skinner, Q. D.
Great Basin wildflowers: a guide to the common wildflowers of the high deserts of Nevada, Utah, and Oregon
  • Blackwell, L. R.
Sierra Nevada Natural History, Revised Edition
  • Storer, T. I.
  • Usinger, R. L.
Native plants of southern Nevada: An ethnobotany
  • Rhode, D.
Wildflowers of the Eastern Sierra and adjoining Mojave Desert and Great Basin
  • Blackwell, L. R.
Plants of the Tahoe Basin: flowering plants, trees, and ferns
  • Graf, M.
Desert wildflowers of North America
  • Taylor, R. J.
Mojave Desert Wildflowers
  • Stewart, J. M.
Sierra Nevada wildflowers
  • Horn, E. L.
Ruby Mountain flora
  • Humboldt National Forest Interpretive Association
Wildflowers of the Tahoe Sierra, from forest deep to mountain peak
  • Blackwell, L. R.
A Sierra Nevada flora
  • Weeden, N. F.
Sagebrush country: a wildflower sanctuary
  • Taylor, R. J.
Document Type: Conservation Strategy
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Conservation Strategy for Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata) [2015]
  • Stanton, AE
2015 Conservation Strategy
Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) [2002]
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Murphy, D.
  • Tahoe Yellow Cress Technical Advisory Group
2002 Conservation Strategy

Zoology Documents

Document Type: NDNH Publication
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Nevada Springsnail Survey Protocol
  • Miskow, E.
  • Helmig, A.
2020 Nevada Springsnail Survey Protocol
Nevada Native Fishes
  • Tomelleri, J. R.
2008 Poster
NDNH Current Watch List
  • Nevada Division of Natural Heritage
NDNH Current Watch List July 2023 Watch List January 2023 Watch List July 2022 Watch List
NDNH Current Tracking List
  • Nevada Division of Natural Heritage
NDNH Current Tracking List July 2023 Tracking List January 2023 Tracking List July 2022 Tracking List
Document Type: Website
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Froglog: newsletter of the Declining Amphibian Population Task Force
  • Declining Amphibian Population Task Force
2005 Visit 
Bat species accounts
  • Western Bat Working Group
1998 Visit 
  • California Academy of Sciences
  • Amphibian Specialist Group
Document Type: Database
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
CalPhotos 2012 Visit 
CNAH PDF library
  • Center for North American Herpetology
2007 Visit 
  • Froese, R.
  • Pauly, D.
2005 Visit 
  • California Academy of Sciences
Document Type: Identification - Field Guides
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Sierra Nevada Natural History, Revised Edition
  • Storer, T. I.
  • Usinger, R. L.
Field Guide to the Birds of North America
  • National Geographic Society
Horned Lizards
  • Manaster, J.
Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind
  • Klauber, L. M.
  • Greene, H. W.
A Field Guide to Snakes of California
  • Brown, P. R.
1997 Visit 
Amphibians of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia
  • Conkran, C. C.
  • Thoms, C.
1996 Visit 
Handbook of Lizards: Lizards of the United States and of Canada
  • Smith, H. M.
  • Frost, D.
Biology of Whiptail Lizards (Genus Cnemidophorus).
  • Wright, J. W.
  • Vitt, L. J.
A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians
  • Stebbins, R. C.
Birds of the Great Basin
  • Ryser, F. A.
  • Dewey, J.
Horned Lizards. Unique Reptiles of Western North America
  • Sherbrooke, W. C.
Snakes, Lizards and Turtles of the Lake Mead Region
  • Grater, R. K.
Discovering Sierra Reptiles and Amphibians
  • Basey, H. E
The Variation and Zoogeography of the Lizards of the Great Basin
  • Banta, B. H.
The Gila Monster and its Allies
  • Bogert, C. M.
  • Martín del Campo, R.
Mammals of Nevada
  • Hall, E. R.
Amphibians and reptiles in Nevada
  • Linsdale, J. M.
Document Type: Identification - Field Guides
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Sierra Nevada Natural History, Revised Edition
  • Storer, T. I.
  • Usinger, R. L.
Document Type: Journal Article
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Standard common and current scientific names for North American Amphibians, Turtles, Reptiles, and Crocodilians. Fifth edition
  • Collins, J. T.
  • Taggart, T. W.
2002 Visit 
North American rodents: Status survey and conservation action plan
  • Hafner, D. J.
  • Yensen, E.
  • Kirkland, Jr. G. L.
1998 Visit 
A key to the Anuran tadpoles of the United States and Canada
  • Altig, R.
  • McDiarmid, R. W.
  • Nichols, K. A.
  • Ustach, P. C.
Document Type: Technical Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Mammals of Nevada
  • Hall, E. R.
Document Type: Identification - Field Guides
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Sierra Nevada Natural History, Revised Edition
  • Storer, T. I.
  • Usinger, R. L.
Document Type: Conservation Strategy
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Western Monarch Butterfly Conservation Plan
  • Western Monarch Working Group
2019 Western Monarch Butterfly Conservation Plan
Nevada Bat Conservation Plan
  • Nevada Bat Working Group
2006 Full Text

Ecology Documents

Document Type: NDNH Publication
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
EPA Level II Rapid Assessment Method for Nevada Wetlands
  • Bushman, B.
  • Saito, L.
  • Szabo, K.
  • McGwire, K.
2019 EPA Level II Rapid Assessment Method for Nevada Wetlands + all appendices
Appendix I - NV Wetland RAM Data Sheets

NV Wetland RAM Data Sheets (Word version) and Excel Spreadsheet for results
State of Nevada Wetland Program Plan
  • Nevada Natural Heritage Program
2016 Plan
International Vegetation Classification Alliances and Associations Occurring in Nevada with Proposed Additions
  • Peterson, E. B.
2008 Text Low Resolution
Text High Resolution
2007 Nevada Priority Wetlands Inventory
  • Nevada Natural Heritage Program
2008 Full Text
A Synthesis of Vegetation Maps for Nevada: Initiating a ‘Living’ Vegetation Map
  • Nevada Natural Heritage Program
2008 Text
Vegetation Index GIS Data

Combined Vegetation Maps GIS Data (Large)
A Map of Annual Grasses in the Owyhee Uplands, Spring 2006, Derived from Multitemporal Landsat 5 TM Imagery
  • Peterson, E. B.
2007 Poster
Text Low Resolution

Text High Resolution

2 Page Summary

GIS Data
A Map of Invasive Annual Grasses in Nevada Derived from Multitemporal Landsat 5 TM Imagery
  • Peterson, E. B.
2006 Figures Low Resolution

Figures High Resolution

GIS Data
Mapping Percent-Cover of the Invasive Species Bromus tectorum (Cheatgrass) over a Large Portion of Nevada from Satellite Imagery
  • Peterson, E. B.
2003 Text
Figures Low Resolution

Figures High Resolution



GIS Data
Document Type: Website
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Ecological systems of the United States: A working classification of U.S. terrestrial systems
  • Comer, P.
  • Faber-Langendoen, D.
  • Evans, R.
  • Gawler, S.
  • Josse, C.
  • Kittel, G.
  • Menard, S.
  • Pyne, M.
  • Reid, M.
  • Schulz, K.
  • Snow, K.
  • Teague, J.
2003 Visit 
Desert Research Institute Visit 
Sagemap Visit 
USFS Ecoregions Home Page (Bailey)
EPA Ecoregions Home Page (Omernik)
BLM Technical Reference Online Library
Biological Soil Crusts (Interagency Informational Site)
Biological Soil Crusts (Interagency Information Site) Visit 
National Interagency Fire Center Visit 
Document Type: Database
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
CalPhotos 2012 Visit 
U C Berkeley checklist of online vegetation maps
National Gap Analysis Program (becoming NVC)
National Vegetation Classification (NVC) : Info from USGS
Natureserve ecological community database (NVC)
Document Type: Identification - Technical
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
A manual of California vegetation
  • Sawyer, J.
  • Keeler-Wolf, T.
Document Type: Status Report
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Nevada Natural Resources Status Report
  • Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
2002 Report
International classification of ecological communities: Terrestrial vegetation of the United States. Volume I Terrestrial vegetation of the United States. Volume I. The National Vegetation Classificat
  • Faber-Langendoen, D.
  • Weakley, A. S.
  • Anderson, M.
  • Bourgeron, P.
  • Crawford, R.
  • Goodin, K.
  • Landaal, S.
  • Metzler, K.
  • Patterson, K.
  • Pyne, M.
  • Reid, M.
  • Sneddon, L.
1998 Visit 
Document Type: Journal Article
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Post-fire recovery of Wyoming big sagebrush shrub-steppe in central and southeast Montana
  • Cooper, S. V.
  • Lesica, P.
  • Kudray, G. M.
2007 Visit 
Biological soil crusts: Ecology and management
  • Belnap, J.
  • Kaltenecker, J.H.
  • Rosentreter, R.
  • Williams, J.
  • Leonard, S.
  • Eldridge, D.
2001 Visit 
Document Type: Technical Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
An Update to the Nevada Priority Wetlands Inventory
  • McGwire, K.
2023 An Update to the Nevada Priority Wetlands Inventory
Non-native Annual Species Percent Cover Map
  • Byer, S.
  • Provencher, L.
2021 TNC-NV Non-native Annual Species Percent Cover Map
TNC-NV Non-native Annual Species Percent Cover Map Methods Report
Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Ecological Health of Nevada’s Desert Spring Ecosystems
  • Sada, D. W.
  • Acharya, K.
  • Mehler, K.
2015 Report
A manual of California vegetation
  • Sawyer, J.
  • Keeler-Wolf, T.
Document Type: Identification - Technical
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
A manual of California vegetation
  • Sawyer, J.
  • Keeler-Wolf, T.
Document Type: Conservation Strategy
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
State of Nevada Wetland Program Plan
  • Nevada Natural Heritage Program
2016 Plan
Nevada Springs Conservation Plan
  • Springs Conservation Plan Working Group
2011 Full Text
High Resolution
Nevada Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan
  • Nevada Natural Heritage Program
2006 Full Text

Climate Change Documents

Document Type: NDNH Publication
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
CCVI Results Sorted by CCVI Score/Taxonomic Group/Scientific Name
  • Szabo, K.
2012 nvccvi_byscore.pdf
CCVI Results Sorted by Taxonomic Group/Common Name
  • Szabo, K.
2012 nvccvi_bycommon.pdf
CCVI Results Sorted by Taxonomic Group/Scientific Name
  • Szabo, K.
2012 nvccvi_bysciname.pdf
Document Type: Technical Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Quantifying Carbon Sequestration in Nevada’s Rangelands
  • Provencher, L.
  • Byer, S.
  • Badik, K
2022 Quantifying Carbon Sequestration in Nevada’s Rangelands

Tahoe Yellowcress Library

Document Type: Popular Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Tahoe yellow cress: a unique piece of Tahoe
  • Natural Resouces Conservation Service
2009 Tahoe Yellowcress Brochure Visit 
Document Type: Status Report
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2009 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2010 Annual Report 2009
Mitigation Options for Tahoe Yellow Cress TYC
  • Stanton, Alison
  • Pavlik, Bruce
2009 Translocation Report
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2008 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2009 Annual Report 2008
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2007 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2008 Annual Report 2007
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2006 Annual Report
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2007 Annual Report 2006
Table C 2006
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) V. Experimental Reintroductions, Year Two
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2006 Conservation Strategy Section 5
Genetic monitoring of Rorippa subumbellata (Tahoe yellow cress)
  • DeWoody, J.
  • Hipkins, V. D.
2006 Genetics Report
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2005 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2006 Annual Report 2005
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) IV. Experimental Reintroductions, Year One.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2005 Conservation Strategy Section 4
Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2004 Annual Report
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Pavlik, B. M.
2005 Annual Report 2004
Table C 2004
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) III. Pilot Project to Support Reintroduction Experiments
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
2004 Conservation Strategy Section 3
Final report: Expanded evaluation of genetic diversity in Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata)
  • DeWoody, J.
  • Hipkins, V. D.
2004 Report
Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2002 Annual Survey Report
  • California State Lands Commission
2003 Annual Report 2002
Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) Final 2003 Annual Report
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2003 Annual Report 2003
Appendix C 2003

Appendix E 2003
Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa submbellata)
  • Pavlik, B.
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) II. Key Management Questions as a Framework for Research
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • O'Leary, A. N.
2002 Conservation Strategy Section 2
Implementation of the Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) I. Seed Collection, Assessment of Reproductive Output, and Propagation for Reintroduction
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Stanton, A. E.
  • Childs, J.
2002 Conservation Strategy Section 1
Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) 2001 Annual Survey Report
  • California State Lands Commission
2002 Annual Report 2001
Evaluation of genetic diversity in Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata)
  • Saich, R. C.
  • Hipkins, V. D.
2000 Report
Synopsis of 1999 Tahoe yellow cress annual surveys
  • California State Lands Commission
Draft biological assessment of Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata Roll)
  • Manchester, L.
  • Ferreira, J.
  • Coates, B.
Document Type: Technical Reference
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Germination ecology of Rorippa subumbellata (Tahoe yellow cress), an endangered, endemic species of Lake Tahoe
  • Ingolia, M.
  • Young, T. P.
  • Sutter, E. G.
2008 Report
Document Type: Conservation Strategy
Title Author(s) Year Attachments Website
Conservation Strategy for Tahoe yellow cress (Rorippa subumbellata) [2015]
  • Stanton, AE
2015 Conservation Strategy
Conservation Strategy for Tahoe Yellow Cress (Rorippa subumbellata) [2002]
  • Pavlik, B. M.
  • Murphy, D.
  • Tahoe Yellow Cress Technical Advisory Group
2002 Conservation Strategy