This repository is a Pathogen/Vundle/Plug plugin for the Lean Theorem Prover. The files ftdetect/lean.vim
and syntax/lean.vim
are taken directly from the official lean.vim plugin.
Set up vim-plug, and then add the following to your .vimrc
Plug 'mk12/vim-lean', { 'for': 'lean' }
Why use this instead of the official plugin? Because it provides two useful commands:
: Replaceforall
, etc., with Unicode characters.:LeanCheck
: Run lean on the file and show the output in a split (if there is any).
Put let g:lean_auto_replace = 1
in your vimrc
if you want to run :LeanReplace
automatically on every save.
The Lean Theorem Prover is available under the Apache License 2.0; see LICENSE for details.