Non-ASCII character in app name causes crash in +[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:] #3951
I use firebase firestore to develop . In this morning , no crash
as night, it gives exception at [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@“org.cocoapods.grpcpp”] as screenshot stated . I have no clue on my pod settings or code... Would you please tell me what to fix?
Below is my screen shot :
Below is my code :
Auth.auth().signInAnonymously() { (result , error) in
guard let authResult = result else {
let user = authResult.user
let isAnonymous = user.isAnonymous // true
let uid = user.uid
User.shared.userId = uid
print("user id : \(User.shared.userId)")
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
func writeProgressInitial() {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let userRef = db.collection("user").document(User.shared.userId)
userRef.getDocument { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
if (querySnapshot?.get("progress") == nil) {
var dataDict : Dictionary<String , Any> = [:]
dataDict["progress"] = 0
let dict = querySnapshot?.data()
let sssresult = dict!.filter{ $0.key == "progress" }.first?.value as? Int ?? 0
User.shared.progress = sssresult
Personally, I have tested that even using Dispatch async to update the progress but it fails .
Below is my Installed dependencies :
Installing BoringSSL-GRPC (0.0.3)
Installing Cosmos (19.0.3)
Installing Firebase (6.9.0)
Installing FirebaseAnalytics (6.1.2)
Installing FirebaseAuth (6.2.3)
Installing FirebaseAuthInterop (1.0.0)
Installing FirebaseCore (6.3.0)
Installing FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (1.1.0)
Installing FirebaseCoreDiagnosticsInterop (1.0.0)
Installing FirebaseFirestore (1.5.1)
Installing FirebaseInstanceID (4.2.5)
Installing GTMSessionFetcher (1.2.2)
Installing GoogleAppMeasurement (6.1.2)
Installing GoogleDataTransport (2.0.0)
Installing GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (1.1.0)
Installing GoogleUtilities (6.3.0)
Installing JGProgressHUD (2.0.4)
Installing Protobuf (3.9.2)
Installing QuickTableViewController (1.2.0)
Installing SDWebImage (5.2.0)
Installing SimpleRoundedButton (1.0)
Installing gRPC-C++ (0.0.9)
Installing gRPC-Core (1.21.0)
Installing leveldb-library (1.22)
Installing nanopb (0.3.901)