Numpy is often used together with pandas
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
my_numpy_array = np.random.rand(5) //create list with 5 random numbers
my_series = pd.Series(my_numpy_array, index) // creates a Series
my_series_index = pd.Series(my_numpy_array, index = ["First", "Second", "Third"]) //creates a Series with row indexes 'First', 'Second','Third'
my_series_index["First] //indexing through row name
my_series_index[0] // indexing with index
array_2d = np.random.rand(3,2)
df = pd.DataFrame(array_2d)
df.columns = ["First","Second","Third","Fourth"."Fifth",'Sixth'] //
df = pd.read_csv(CSV_PATH,nrows =2) # only first two rows are read
df = pd.read_csv(CSV_PATH, nrows=5, usecols = ['First','Fifth']) //returns a data frame with only those two columns 'First','Fifth'
artists = df['artists']
unique_artists = pd.unique(artists)
bool_series = df['artist'] == 'Nirvana' // returns a boolean Series object
bool_series.value_counts() // returns how many True or False values
df.loc [Row_Indexer,Column_Indexer]
df.loc [1035,'artist'] ##
df.loc [df['artist']=='Bacon,Francis', :]
df.iloc[100:300, [0,1,4]] //row 100 to 300, column 0 1 4
pd.to_numeric(df['width'], errors='coerce') //makes everything that isn't an number to NaN
df['height'] * df['width']
# create new column with size
df = df.assign(area=area)
df['area'].idxmax() // returns a lowlabel of max element
df.loc[df['area'].idxmax(),:] //returns the row with maximum area