Support for the A2 micro panel thermal printer module for Tessel.
This module is based on xseignard's thermalprinter package
- Needs a seperate 5v - 9V, 2A power supply. The Tessel can't power this. 9V is faster.
- You can do a test print by holding the printer button while powering.
npm install tessel-thermalprinter
- A, B, D ports only. C doesn't support UART yet.
- Wire it up so: Ground (printer) to Ground (Tessel: Pin 0), RX (printer) to RX/G1 (Tessel: Pin 8)
var tessel = require('tessel');
var thermalprinter = require('tessel-thermalprinter');
var printer = thermalprinter.use(tessel.port['A']);
printer.on('ready', function(){'Printer ready!');
.printLine("we're printing with")
.printLine(' TESSEL! ')
.print(function(){'Printer finished!');
For the example you'll need to add a api key. You can get one here on their website.
# printer.setMaxPrintingDots( maxPrintingDotsValue, callback() )
_Set the max printing dots (0-255). Default: 7 (( 7 + 1 ) * 8 = 64dots). Unit: ( n + 1 ) * 8dots
According to section 5.2.9 of the datasheet: "The more max heating dots, the more peak current will cost when printing, the faster printing speed. The max heating dots is 8 * ( n + 1 ).""
# printer.setHeatingTime( heatingTimeValue, callback() )
Set the heating time (3-255). Default: 80 (800µs). Unit: 10µs.
According to section 5.2.9 of the datasheet: "The more heating time, the more density, but the slower printing speed. If heating time is too short, blank page may occur."
# printer.setHeatingInterval( heatingIntervalValue, callback() )
Set the heating interval (0-255). Default: 2 (20µs). Unit: 10µs.
According to section 5.2.9 of the datasheet: "The more heating interval, the more clear, but the slower printing speed."
# printer.setLineSpacing( spacing )
Set the space between each printed line vertically
# printer.reset()
Resets printer
# printer.print( callback() )
Runs commands and prints. Run this last.
# printer.printLine( text )
Write text to printer
# printer.lineFeed( amountOfLines )
Feed blank lines out of the printer specified by argument
# printer.bold( onOff )
Makes text bolder
# printer.big( onOff )
Makes text bigger
# printer.underline( onOff )
Makes text underlined
# printer.small( onOff )
Makes text smaller
# printer.upsideDown( onOff )
Makes text upside down
# printer.inverse( onOff )
Makes text black on white
# printer.left( onOff )
Makes text aligned left
# printer.right( onOff )
Makes text aligned right
# onOff )
Makes text aligned center
# printer.barcodeTextPosition( positionValue )
Set text position relative to barcode.
Positions are:
0: Not printed
1: Above the barcode
2: Below the barcode
3: Both above and below the barcode
# printer.barcode( Printer.BARCODE_TYPES.type, barcodeData )
Print barcode.
The types you can use are: UPCA, UPCE, EAN13, EAN8, CODE39, I25, CODEBAR, CODE93, CODE128, CODE11, MSI
# printer.indent( amountOfColumns )
Create an indentation for text by an amount of cplumns
# printer.horizontalLine( length )
Draw a horizontal line at a certain length
check the example, will add the rest later
# printer.on( 'ready', callback() )
Emitted upon reset and printing settings on printer.
If you want to set options you can do so like this:
// ...
var printer = thermalprinter.use(tessel.port['A'], {
// baudrate for the printer default: 19200
baudrate: 19200,
/* can be found by doing a print test. hold the button printer while
* powering the printer on and it should spit out some shit at the
* bottom is it should say the baudrate
// Max printing dots (0-255), unit: (n+1)*8 dots, default: 7 ((7+1)*8 = 64 dots)
maxPrintingDots: 7,
/* The more max heating dots, the more peak current will cost when printing,
* the faster printing speed. The max heating dots is 8*(n+1).
// Heating time (3-255), unit: 10µs, default: 80 (800µs)
heatingTime: 80,
/* The more heating time, the more density, but the slower printing speed.
* If heating time is too short, blank page may occur.
// Heating interval (0-255), unit: 10µs, default: 2 (20µs)
heatingInterval: 2,
/* The more heating interval, the more clear, but the slower printing speed.
// ...
Buy in US (Adafruit) / UK (Hobbytronics)
Requires 5-9VDC @ 1.5Amp power supply during print
Protocol: TTL Serial, 19200 baud
Mean Cycles Before Failure: 5 million lines
Printing Speed: 50-80mm/s
Resolution: 8 dots/mm, 384 dots/line
- Requires 2.25" wide, 50 ft or shorter thermal paper
- Effective Printing Width: 48mm
- Outline Dimension (WxDxH): 111x65x57mm
- Installation Port Size: 103 x 57mm
- Character Set: ASCII,GB2312-80(Chinese)
- Print Font: ANK:5×7, Chinese: 12x24,24×24
- Paper Type: Thermal paper
- Paper Width: 57.5 ±0.5mm
- Paper Roll Diameter: max 39mm
- Operating Temp: 5°C ~ 50°C
- Operating Humidity: 10% ~ 80%
- Storage Temp: -20°C ~ 60°C
- Storage Humidity: 10% ~ 90%
Don't have a Tessel? As this uses serial it works with most things:
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