This Project was making a public dataset for professional dota leagues and matches. I included events from this list
Field | Type | Description |
leagueName | String | The name of the league. |
leagueID | String | The league's dotaTV id. |
prizePool | Int | The league's prizepool in USD. |
startDate | Date | The league's first main event day. |
endDate | Date | The league's last main event day. |
teams | Array | This contains json team objects. |
url | String | This string is the url source for this data. |
Field | Type | Description |
leagueName | String | The name of the league. |
result | String | The place the team got. Ties are rounded up. |
org | String | The team's organization |
players | Array | An array of {role: <the role that player had>), player: <playerObject>} |
Field | Type | Description |
tag | String | The players tag. |
playerName | String | The player's name (romanized in some cases). |
birthday | Date | The player's birthday. |
playerID | Int | The player's ID |
country | Array | An array of strings with player's nation's names. |
roles | String | The roles this player has played. |
url | String | The url source of this data. |
Field | Type | Description |
players | Array | Array of players that contains their stats for this match. |
radiantWin | Boolean | True if radiant won. |
duration | Int | Duration of the match in seconds. |
matchID | Int | The ID of the match. |
leagueID | Int | The ID of the league. |
To get the dataset onto your platform use the mongorestore command on the directory containing the release files.
You will need mongoDB and the mongoDB database tools which is installed seperately.
- Some teams have a name mismatch between the actual name and the name on the results notably: VG.r (Vici Gaming Reborn), 4 Anchors + Sea Captain, RoX, Relax, they have not been processed.
- Summit 5, 6 and 7 have a duplicate eventID
- Players with no page on Liquipedia have not been processed.
- Some events do not an eventID they are:
- The International 2011
- ASUS Open 2012 Finals
- World Cyber Games 2012
- Electronic Sports World Cup 2012
- The Premier League: Season 2
- DreamHack Summer 2012
- StarLadder StarSeries Season 1
- The Premier League: Season 1
- The Premier League: Season 1
- Dota2 Star Championship
In addition to the Dataset I also made some python classes for data collection and statistical operations. They are located in the source folder:
I have also made the data collection tools available, feel free to use them to update the dataset or scan a different list of tournaments.
The following query is useful for getting leagues with exact playerids.
{teams: { $elemMatch: {"players": {$not: {$elemMatch: {'player.playerID': {$nin: <Array of Player IDs>}}}}}}}
In order to use them you will need to set a few environmental variables:
- To use the steam api you must generate a key and set the environmental variable 'STEAM_API_KEY' to its value.
- I was using mongoDB locally so I set the environmental variable LOCALMONGOSTR to my mongoString.
For more details on the steam API see here
Thanks to the volunteers / editors of Liquipedia without whom this project would not have been possible.
Shoutout to DatDota and Noxville for helping me out.