.Net Core IDistributedCache implementation for Cassandra.
Create the table cassandra_cache in your Cassandra Keyspace. You can find the cql file inside the deploy folder.
Configure your application to make use of Cassandra.
Add the following code to
and perform the necessary changes:
services.AddDistributedCassandraCache(options =>
options.Session = <YourCassandraSession>;
options.Logger = <YourLogger>;
options.ReadConsistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.LocalQuorum;
options.WriteConsistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.LocalQuorum;
- To use the IDistributedCache interface, request an instance of IDistributedCache from any constructor in the app. The instance is provided by dependency injection (DI).
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/DistributedCache.Cassandra/