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A python module for downloading US Government Publishing Office datasets in bulk.


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Vistos is a module for downloading data on U. S. politicians. V's goal is to empower U. S. citizens by providing an easier route for accessing the information necessary to hold public officials more accountable. This is to be accomplished by

  1. utilizing public data sources to gather information about public officials, and
  2. consolidating that information in a way that's easy to code around.

As programming isn't exactly a ubiquitous skill, it cannot go without saying that Vistos should only be considered a small, but fundamental, step in the far-greater goal of creating a more politically-informed populace. There is much more work to be done to fully realize such a goal, so Vistos merely seeks to provide the foundation for said work.

Interested? Jump to the samples below to learn how to set up Vistos.

Table of Contents

  1. Setting up Vistos

  2. Using Vistos

    1. CongressMember

    2. Congress

    3. search_congress_members()

    4. gpo

  3. About Vistos

Setting up V

pip install vistos

Sample Script

# your_project/

import vistos as v
import pandas as pd

current_congress = v.Congress(116)
members = current_congress.bioguide.members
members_df = pd.DataFrame(members)


>> python ~/your_project/
  bioguide_id              first_name ... terms
0     S001165                   Albio ... [{'congress_number': 109, 'term_start': 2005, ...
1     R000603                   David ... [{'congress_number': 114, 'term_start': 2015, ...
2     S001172                  Adrian ... [{'congress_number': 110, 'term_start': 2007, ...
3     C001049            William Lacy ... [{'congress_number': 107, 'term_start': 2001, ...
4     H001076           Margaret Wood ... [{'congress_number': 115, 'term_start': 2017, ...

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Using V

Currently, the only public datasets supported by Vistos are the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress and the govinfo API. This data can be downloaded in-bulk as tabular data using the Congress object. More granular control can be achieved by using a CongressMember object.


The CongressMember class exists for querying data from the perspective of members. CongressMember is a much faster option for when you know the specific member(s) you would like to download data for.

CongressMember takes a Bioguide ID as an argument, and attempts to retrieve the specified data for the member associated with the given ID.


Manually load datasets specified when instantiating CongressMember

member = v.CongressMember('P000587', load_immediately=False)

member_name = f'{member.first_name} {member.last_name}'
assert member_name == 'Mike Pence'


The bioguide property returns Bioguide data as a BioguideMemberRecord .


The govinfo property returns GovInfo data as a dict .

member = v.CongressMember('K000105', GOVINFO_API_KEY)
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Biography

Due to limitations in the GovInfo API, directly retrieving data about a member is not possible. Vistos attempts to work around these limitations by first requesting the members Bioguide data, and using the information found there to narrow down where to locate the member's data within the GovInfo API.


The bioguide_id property returns the selected Congress member's Bioguide ID.


The first_name property returns the selected Congress member's first name.


The nickname property returns the selected Congress member's nickname.


The last_name property returns the selected Congress member's last name.


The suffix property returns the suffix of the selected Congress member's name.


The birth_year property returns the year that the selected Congress member was born.


The death_year property returns the year that the selected Congress member died.


The biography property returns biographical information about the selected Congress member.


The terms property returns a list of BioguideTermRecord objects describing all of the terms the selected Congress member served.

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Congress is used to query a single congress, and takes either a year or number to determine which congress to return.

For example, the following Congress objects all return the 116th U. S. Congress:

a = v.Congress(116)
b = v.Congress(2019)
c = v.Congress(2020)
assert a.bioguide == b.bioguide == c.bioguide

Excluding a year or number will return the active U. S. Congress:

c = v.Congress()
assert c.number == 116


Manually load datasets specified when instantiating Congress

c = v.Congress(116, load_immediately=False)

Note: querying a transition year favors the congress that began that year (eg Congress(2015) will return the 114th congress, not the 113th).

.get_member_bioguide(bioguide_id: str)

Calling get_member_bioguide() returns a BioguideMemberRecord corresponding to the given Bioguide ID.

.get_member_govinfo(bioguide_id: str)

Calling get_member_bioguide() returns a dict containing the GovInfo data corresponding to the given Bioguide ID.


The number property returns an int corresponding to the number of the selected Congress.


The start_year property returns an int corresponding to the first year of the selected Congress.


The end_year property returns an int corresponding to the first year of the selected Congress.


The bioguide property returns Bioguide data as a BioguideCongressRecord .

c = v.Congress(116)
{"members": [{ .. }], "congress_number": 116, "start_year": 2019, "end_year": 2021}


The govinfo property returns GovInfo data as GovInfoCongressRecord .


The members property returns a list of unique CongressMember objects:

c = v.Congress(116)

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search_congress_members(first_name: str, last_name: str, position: str, party: str, state: str, congress: int)

search_congress_members() is a function for querying members by non-unique details.

When search_congress_members() is called, queries will be sent as an HTTPS POST request to The first_name and last_name parameters will match by the beginning of the string, but position , party , and state will expect a selection from a discrete set of options. The available options can be found within the Party , Position , and State classes found within the gpo submodule.

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The gpo submodule is used within Vistos to perform basic tasks for retrieving data hosted by the United States Government Publishing Office. Within the gpo submodule are helper classes and functions for creating more nimble scripts.

get_bioguide_ids(congress_number: int)

Returns the bioguide IDs of a given Congress number

convert_to_congress_number(number_or_year: int)

Takes an input value and returns the corresponding congress number. If the number given is a valid congress number, it's returned as-is. If the number given is a valid year, the corresponding congress number is returned. Invalid postive numbers and None return the current congress, and negative numbers return zero (the Continental Congress.)


Returns the number of the active congress, based on the current date

get_start_year(number: int)

Returns the start year of the given congress number

get_end_year(number: int)

Returns the end year of the given congress number

get_congress_years(number: int)

Returns a tuple containing the start and end years of the given congress number

get_congress_numbers(year: int)

Returns the congress numbers associated with a given year


Returns all congress numbers


A class containing options for the position parameter of search_congress_members()


A class containing options for the party parameter of search_congress_members()


A class containing options for the state parameter of search_congress_members()


An error for when an attempt is made to assign incorrectly-shaped data to the Congress.bioguide or CongressMember.bioguide properties.


An error for when an attempt is made to assign incorrectly-shaped data to the Congress.govinfo or CongressMember.govinfo properties.


An error for when an HTTP connection error is raised during Bioguide queries. This can be used to handle instability caused by requesting large amounts of members.

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Below is an example of how to use the CongressMember object and the gpo.get_bioguide_ids() function to download all the members of the last ten Congresses, storing each in a JSON file per the first letter of their last name.

import os
import json
import shutil
import vistos as v

OUTPUT_DIR = './members_by_letter'
CURRENT_CONGRESS = v.gpo.get_current_congress_number()

def main():
    # This script downloads data about Congress members for the past
    # ten Congresses, using the CongressMember object in conjunction with
    # the gpo.get_bioguide_ids() function.

    # Get unique bioguides from the prior 10 years
    all_bioguide_ids = set()
    start_congress, end_congress = \

    for congress in range(start_congress, end_congress + 1):
        bioguide_ids = v.gpo.get_bioguide_ids(congress)
        all_bioguide_ids = all_bioguide_ids.union(bioguide_ids)

    # Map Bioguide IDs to their corresponding letter
    # of the alphabet (denoted by the first character)
    members_by_alphabet = dict()
    for bioguide_id in all_bioguide_ids:
        letter = str(bioguide_id[0]).lower()
            member = v.CongressMember(bioguide_id, load_immediately=False)
        except KeyError:
            members_by_alphabet[letter] = [member]

    sorted_letters = sorted(list(members_by_alphabet.keys()),
                            key=lambda k: len(members_by_alphabet[k]),

    # For each letter, load and store the associated members
    for letter in sorted_letters:
        congress_members = members_by_alphabet.pop(letter)

        member_headers = []
        member_terms = []

        while len(congress_members) > 0:
            member = congress_members.pop(0)
            bioguide_id = member.bioguide_id

            # Download data
            print(f'[{bioguide_id}] Downloading...', end='\r')
                print(f'[{bioguide_id}] Downloaded    ')
            except v.gpo.BioguideConnectionError:
                print(f'[{bioguide_id}] Download Failed')

            # Split terms from the rest of the data
            member_header_record = dict(member.bioguide)
            del member_header_record['terms']

            member_terms.append({'bioguide_id': member.bioguide_id,
                                 'terms': member.bioguide.terms})

        # Save data
        file_name = f'{start_congress}_{end_congress}_{letter}'
        headers_path = create_path('headers', file_name)
        terms_path = create_path('terms', file_name)

        json.dump(member_headers, open(headers_path, 'w'))
        print(f'[{letter.upper()}------] Saved Member data to {headers_path}')

        json.dump(member_terms, open(terms_path, 'w'))
        print(f'[{letter.upper()}------] Saved Term data to {terms_path}')

def pre_tasks():
    if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):

def create_path(category, file_name):
    if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR + '/' + category):
        os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR + '/' + category)

    return f'{OUTPUT_DIR}/{category}/{category}_{file_name}.json'

if __name__ == '__main__':

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About Vistos

Why was Vistos created?

Due to the competitive nature of the American economy, media outlets have been forced to set themselves apart from each other by marketing themselves to certain sets of ideologies. When occurring en masse, this can cause a single issue to be fractured into wildly-divergent perspectives. In moderation, this is a good thing, as reporting on the multiple perspectives around a single issue is integral to a functional democratic society. However, the rift between these perspectives has become so great that the average person can have a very difficult time getting a handle on the facts of a common political topic. To counter the confusion created by the media, citizens will need easier access to a more objective record of happenings within the political world. Fortunately, the publishing of such information is an existing function of the U. S. legislative branch, via the Government Publishing Office. For more than a century, this has been the primary source for data pertaining to all three branches of the U. S. Government. While both media and GPO data are available on the internet, the succint delivery of a news article is much more alluring to the average citizen than the wordiness of a congressional bill. If the average citizen is going to become less reliant on modern media for poltical information, work will need to be done to bridge this gap. The goal of Vistos is not necessarily to be the bridge over said gap, but to be the foundation on which to build the bridge.

Plainly stated, the function of Vistos is to enable people to more easily gather and present poltical information. This idea is meant to be the guiding thought for defining the scope of Vistos - that is to say that any data that enables U. S. citizens to be more politically informed can be considered an option for Vistos. This is, without a doubt, a very broad scope. If left uncheck, this approach could turn Vistos into a tool that does a lot of things very poorly, with no clear direction. To guide new additions to the project and prevent the project from falling into a state of over-ambitious aimlessness, all new work will be weighed against how easy it is to implement against what exists already.

So why Python?

At the moment, Vistos is a collection of Python-based classes that marry disparate data sources into more easily-managed objects. That doesn't mean that Vistos is inherently Python-based, or will never take another approach. Nor does it mean that it is poised to change anytime soon. It just means that a Python library currently makes the most sense for realizing the overall goal of Vistos, due to the popularity of Python and its ease of use. Ideally, Vistos is to stay in perpetual development and will always be taking the form of what makes the most sense at the time.

What can Vistos do?

Currently, Vistos only supports Congressional data provided by the Government Publishing Office. Support for social media data and stocks are planned for implementation in the near future, after which, work on the components for the Executive branch will begin.

If you'd like to contribute to the project, or know of a useful data source, feel free to submit a pull request, or email z3c0.

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