This CLI tool allows you to track crypto airdrops by token owner using a local Ethereum network (Ganache). Project limitations:
Due to insufficient testnet ETH, deployment is restricted to a local Ganache network rather than a public testnet. Live block tracking on Ganache is currently unavailable on ARM-based Macs due to an unforeseen websocket compatibility issue.
These limitations affect the tool's ability to monitor real-time blockchain activity.
Before you can use this tool, you need to install the following:
- Go (Golang)
- Ganache
- Visit the official Go download page:
- Download the installer for your operating system.
- Follow the installation instructions for your OS.
- Verify the installation by opening a terminal and running:
go version
- Visit the Ganache website:
- Download the appropriate version for your operating system.
- Install Ganache following the instructions for your OS.
- Launch Ganache to ensure it's working correctly.
This tool consists of several Go scripts that simulate and track token transactions on a local Ethereum network.
Run the following command to deploy the TestERC20 contract: (put the owner address in owner_address.txt and copy the .env.example to .env in all subdirectories where main.go lies)
go run ./ERC20Token
This will:
- Connect to local Ganache
- Deploy the TestERC20 contract
- Save the contract address to
To simulate airdrops, run:
go run ./TokenTransaction
This script will:
- Generate 10 random Ethereum addresses
- Transfer 1-100 random TestERC20 tokens to these addresses
To track the airdrops, run:
go run ./TokenTracker
This will:
- Connect to the local Ganache network
- Monitor token transfers
- Display interval and total sums of tokens transferred to each address
The tool provides detailed output at each step. Here's an example of what you might see:
You are now connected to local Ganache!
From address: 0xa652010de06D0C0E6d589289C11bC1D7914191d9
The ETH balance of the account is: 999998104250000000000
Interval Sums:
0x0000000000000000000000007f471C251808AFf0: 3
0x0000000000000000000000002EbbAD7e4A6eaf40: 23
0x000000000000000000000000D86694EF9A06518c: 88
Total Sums:
0x000000000000000000000000D86694EF9A06518c: 88
0x0000000000000000000000007f471C251808AFf0: 3
0x0000000000000000000000002EbbAD7e4A6eaf40: 23
This tool is designed for educational and testing purposes on a local Ethereum network. Always exercise caution when dealing with real cryptocurrencies and tokens. Test cases not added yet. will add
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.