- TensorNetwork for Machine Learning
- Using Simulation and Domain Adaptation to Improve Efficiency of Deep Robotic Grasping
- QT-Opt: Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation
- Theory III: Dynamics and Generalization in Deep Networks -- a simple solution
- A Surprising Linear Relationship Predicts Test Performance in Deep Networks
- TensorNetwork: A Library for Physics and Machine Learning | library
- TensorNetwork on TensorFlow: A Spin Chain Application Using Tree Tensor Networks | library
- Pictures of some aspects of the above papers
- [Page 01 - Abstract (Tensor Network).jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 01\ -\ Abstract\ (Tensor\ Network).jpg)
- [Page 02 - What is a Tensor network.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 02\ -\ What\ is\ a\ Tensor\ network.jpg)
- [Page 03 - What is a Tensor network.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 03\ -\ What\ is\ a\ Tensor\ network.jpg)
- [Page 04 - A tree Tensor network....jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 04\ -\ A\ tree\ Tensor\ network....jpg)
- [Page 05 - Tensor Network - a library for ...jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 05\ -\ Tensor\ Network\ -\ a\ library\ for\ ...jpg)
- [Page 06 - Generalisation & no overfitting - Abstract.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 06\ -\ Generalisation\ &\ no\ overfitting\ -\ Abstract.jpg)
- [Page 07 - Generalisation & no overfitting.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 07\ -\ Generalisation\ &\ no\ overfitting.jpg)
- [Page 08 - Dynamical systems and Deep nets.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 08\ -\ Dynamical\ systems\ and\ Deep\ nets.jpg)
- [Page 09 - Generalisation bounds.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 09\ -\ Generalisation\ bounds.jpg)
- [Page 10 - Norm-minimising Gradient descent.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 10\ -\ Norm-minimising\ Gradient\ descent.jpg)
- [Page 11 - Norm-minimising Gradient descent.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 11\ -\ Norm-minimising\ Gradient\ descent.jpg)
- [Page 12 - Comparing BN and WN.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 12\ -\ Comparing\ BN\ and\ WN.jpg)
- [Page 13 - Ranking Minimas.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 13\ -\ Ranking\ Minimas.jpg)
- [Page 14 - Contributions to Science & Engineering of Intelligence.jpg](./papers/google-x/Page\ 14\ -\ Contributions\ to\ Science\ &\ Engineering\ of\ Intelligence.jpg)
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