- should have github account
- add ssh-key to your github account following the instrouction
Here is the quick summary.
ssh yourid@IP-address
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
copy the line of the outcome and paste it to add the SSH key to the github acccount.
Just login to the dedicated machine and type following lines.
ssh yourid@IP-address
git clone git@github.com:monttj/computational-physics.git
cd computational-physics
And follow the instruction. That's it!
Just login to the dedicated machine and type following lines.
ssh yourid@IP-address
git clone https://github.com/monttj/computational-physics.git
cd computational-physics
And follow the instruction. That's it!
You need to install anaconda. In your conda environment, need to install tensorflow, Keras, notebook, ipykernel. This can be done with following scripts.
If you have already downloaded git repository, update it so that the scripts can be checked out.
cd computational-physics
git pull
Then run following scripts. This is only one time setup.
Finally, run the jupyter