This directory provides code for learning alignments between word embeddings in different languages.
The code is in Python 3 and requires NumPy.
The script
shows how to use this code to learn and evaluate a bilingual alignment of word embeddings.
The word embeddings used in [1] can be found on the fastText project page and the supervised bilingual lexicons on the MUSE project page.
The script
aligns word embeddings from two languages using a bilingual lexicon as supervision.
The details of this approach can be found in [1].
The script
aligns word embeddings from two languages without requiring any supervision.
Additionally, the script
aligns multiple languages to a common space with no supervision.
The details of these approaches can be found in [2] and [3] respectively.
In addition to NumPy, the unsupervised methods require the Python Optimal Transport toolbox.
Wikipedia fastText embeddings aligned with our method can be found here.
If you use the supervised alignment method, please cite:
[1] A. Joulin, P. Bojanowski, T. Mikolov, H. Jegou, E. Grave, Loss in Translation: Learning Bilingual Word Mapping with a Retrieval Criterion
title={Loss in Translation: Learning Bilingual Word Mapping with a Retrieval Criterion},
author={Joulin, Armand and Bojanowski, Piotr and Mikolov, Tomas and J\'egou, Herv\'e and Grave, Edouard},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
If you use the unsupervised bilingual alignment method, please cite:
[2] E. Grave, A. Joulin, Q. Berthet, Unsupervised Alignment of Embeddings with Wasserstein Procrustes
title={Unsupervised Alignment of Embeddings with Wasserstein Procrustes},
author={Grave, Edouard and Joulin, Armand and Berthet, Quentin},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.11222},
If you use the unsupervised alignment script
, please cite:
[3] J. Alaux, E. Grave, M. Cuturi, A. Joulin, Unsupervised Hyperalignment for Multilingual Word Embeddings
title={Unsupervised hyperalignment for multilingual word embeddings},
author={Alaux, Jean and Grave, Edouard and Cuturi, Marco and Joulin, Armand},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.01124},