This example demonstrates the following aspects of the FTP support available with Spring Integration:
- Transfer local files via the FTP Outbound Channel Adapter to a remote directory
- Poll for remote files using the FTP Inbound Channel Adapter
- Execute explicit FTP command (LS, RM) in order to retrieve a remote file listing and to subsequently delete those files.
The samples work out of the box using an embedded Apache FTP Server. Simply execute:
$ mvn clean package
and the samples are build as well as executed. The samples are part of a JUnit test suite:
which comprises the following tests that correspond to the scenarios outlined above:
- org.springframework.integration.samples.ftp.FtpOutboundChannelAdapterSample.class,
- org.springframework.integration.samples.ftp.FtpInboundChannelAdapterSample.class,
- org.springframework.integration.samples.ftp.FtpOutboundGatewaySample.class
Keep in mind that the tests are meant to be executed in sequence.
This sample will take 2 local files
- a.txt
- b.txt
and transfer them to a remote directory '/'.
This test will use the 2 files previously uploaded. Using an Inbound Channel Adapter, the test will poll the remote (Root) directory that will contain 2 files. The adapter will attempt to transfer them to a local directory, which will be generated. Once copied, the files will be sent as a payload of the message to a channel. We are using a file filter, transferring only files that end with 'txt'. The remote files are not deleted.
The last test will re-use the 2 files that are still on the remote FTP server. This test will retrieve and removes them through explicit FTP commands (ls and rm).