This sample demonstrates basic functionality of the Spring Integration AMQP Adapter, which uses the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to send and retrieve messages. As AMQP Broker implementation the sample uses RabbitMQ.
Once the application is started, you enter some text on the command prompt and a message containing that entered text is dispatched to the AMQP queue. In return that message is retrieved by Spring Integration and then printed to the console.
In order to run the example you will need a running instance of RabbitMQ. A local installation with just the basic defaults will be sufficient. Please visit: for detailed installation procedures.
If you imported the example into your IDE, you can just run class org.springframework.integration.samples.amqp.Main. For example in SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) do:
- Right-click on Main class --> Run As --> Java Application
Alternatively, you can start the sample from the command line (Maven required):
- mvn package
- mvn exec:java
- spring-integration-core
- spring-integration-amqp
- spring-integration-stream
- int-stream:stdin-channel-adapter
- int-amqp:outbound-channel-adapter
- int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter
- int-stream:stdout-channel-adapter
- int:poller
- int:channel
- int:interceptors
- int:wire-tap
- logging-channel-adapter
For further help please take a look at the Spring Integration documentation:
Some further resources:
- RabbitMQ -
- Spring AMQP -