IoT Weather station based on Espressif ESP32 microcontrollers. Leverages its deep sleep capability to save power. Logs temp/atmospheric pressure to a MQTT Broker.
The current target is "Sparkfun ESP32 Thing"
The libaries needed are:
- WiFi
- PubSubClient
The MQTT Broker used is
You'll need to provide your own PrivateKeys.h in the same directory as the .INO, with the followin #defines
#define WIFISSID "mySSID" // Put your Wifi SSID here #define PASSWORD "mySSIDPassword" // Put your wifi password here #define MQTTUSER "ThingSpeakUserID" #define MQTTPASS "ThingSpeakMQTTAPIKey" #define MQTTAPIKEY "ThingSpeakWriteAPIKeyForChannel" #define MQTTCHANNELID NNNNNN // Six digit channel number you created on Thingspeak