Description of task
Filter the lines received from the line fitting node. Find the correct line to send on to the guidance system.
Suggested Workflow
- Look at how target tracking was done last year
- Transform measurements into static odom frame.
- Filter lines with parametrized form, store line points corresponding to each track(confirmed line).
- Update tracks in timer callback.
- In timer callback determine correct line to publish based on line points and current pose of Orca from odom topic. Should use both position and orientation
- Seperate non-ros stuff from ros code. Track manager functions should be independent of ROS, using Eigen etc... for these functions
- Publish the current line for guidance system to follow with start and end point.
Code Quality
- Every function in header files are documented (inputs/returns/exceptions)
- The project has automated tests that cover MOST of the functions and branches in functions (pytest/gtest)
- The code is documented on the wiki (provide link)