gigfun - Utility that takes control over your nVidia video card coolers to keep it cool and steady.
My GeForce 3090 Ti can not control its own coolers! So that is a kludge to do it programmatically.
The program works as a daemon. When the GPU temperature rises it runs the coolers faster and vice versa. Daemon must be started with Xorg because in requires "Coolbits" options (see below).
- Go >= 1.16;
Setup the option "Coolbits" how it is described here:
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Device0" Driver "nvidia" Option "Coolbits" "4" EndSection
Copy systemd unit to a local user and enable it:
install -D -m 0644 /usr/share/gigfun/service.example ~/.config/systemd/user/gigfun.service systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user enable --now gigfun.service