A curated list of awesome flake8 extensions.
Inspired after reading a post.
Extensions for clean code at your project.
- flake8-bugbear - Finding likely bugs and design problems in your program
- flake8-commas - Enforcing trailing commas in python
- flake8-import-order - Include checks import order against various Python Style Guides
- flake8-isort - Plugin that integrates isort
- flake8-quotes - Extension for checking quotes in python
- flake8-blind-except - Include checks for blind, catch-all except statements
- flake8-logging-format - Validate (lack of) logging format strings
- flake8-pep3101 - Checks for old string formatting.
- flake8-builtins - Check for python builtins being used as variables or parameters
- flake8-comprehensions - It helps you write better list/set/dict comprehensions.
- flake8-string-format - Check that indexed parameters are used in strings
- flake8-eradicate - Flake8 plugin to find commented out or dead code
- flake8-broken-line - Flake8 plugin to forbid backslashes (
) for line breaks - flake8-print - Check for Print statements in python files.
- flake8-todo - Check for TODO notes.
- flake8-mutable - Flake8 extension for mutable default arguments
- cohesion - Flake8 extension for measuring Python class cohesion.
- flake8-tidy-imports - Flake8 extension that helps you write tidier imports.
- flake8-spellcheck - Spellcheck variables, classnames, comments, docstrings etc
- flake8-strict - Checks Python code against a set of opinionated style rules.
- flake8-django - Flake8 plugin for Django projects.
- flake8-alfred - Alfred is a flake8 plugin to warn on unsafe/obsolete symbols.
- flake8-future-import - Flake8 extension to check imports
- flake8-coding - Adds coding magic comment checks (coding:) to flake8.
- flake8-debugger - Flake8 debug statement checker
- flake8-pyi - A plugin for Flake8 that provides specializations for type hinting stub files.
- flake8-type-annotations - Flake8 plugin to enforce consistent type annotation styles
- flake8-mypy - A plugin for flake8 integrating Mypy.
- pep8-naming - Check the PEP-8 naming conventions.
Extensions for testing at your project.
- flake8-assertive - Flake8 unittest assert method checker
- flake8-mock - Provides checking mock non-existent methods
- flake8-pytest - Enforces to use
-style assertions
Extensions for security of your code.
Extensions for documentations at your project.
- flake8-docstrings - Include checks provided by pep257
- flake8-rst-docstrings - Validate Python docstrings as reStructuredText (RST)
- flake8-rst - Run flake8 checks on code in *.rst files or in docstrings
Extensions for flake8 plugin
- flake8-polyfill - A tiny package that provides the poly fill for Flake8 plugins trying to support Flake8 2.x and Flake8 3.x
- flake8-per-file-ignores - Ignore individual error codes per file with flake8
- flake8-putty - Flake8 plugin to control reporting per file and line
Extensions for copyright at your project
- flake8-copyright - Adds copyright checks to flake8
- flake8-ownership - Checker for assuring that author, copyright, and license are specified in source files.
Frameworks for flake8 at your project
- wemake-python-styleguide - The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever