Tool to get data from AWS and output it in different formats
All configuration stored in aws_inventory.ini. Configuration file should contain at least one AWS account.
General section (name: General)
site_root - directory to store result data
module_dir - directory with data and reander modules
log_file - path to log file
AWS account section (Name should start with AWS)
aws_key - key ID to AWS account
aws_secret - secret key ID to AWS account
aws_account_name - name of the AWS account
To get data from AWS should be installed boto module (version 2.10.0+) To output into XLSX format should be installed openpyxl module (version 2+)
- EC - elasticache module (
Collects data about elasticache. Such as: Name, Endpoint, Status, Node type, Maintenance window, Engine.
- EC2 - EC2 module (
Collects data about EC2 instances. Such as: Name, ELB name, IP address, State, Route53 name, Private IP, Public DNS, Instance type.
- EIP - elastic IP module (
Collects data about elastic IP's. Such as: IP address, Instance ID, Instance name, Route53 name.
- ELB - elastic load balancer module (
Collects data about elastic load balancers. Such as: Name, DNS name, Instances count, Route53 name.
- RDS - Relational Database Service module (
Collects data about RDS. Such as: Name, Endpoint, Allocated storage, Instance class, Status.
- Route53 - Route53 module (
Collects data about Route53. Used for mapping EIP, ELB, S3, etc. to DNS records.
- S3 - S3 module (
Collects data about S3. Such as: Name, Website endpoint, Route53 name.
- SG - Secyrity group module (
Collects data about secyrity groups. Such as: Protocol, Port, Source.
- Users - AWS IAM users module (
Collects data about AWS IAM users. Such as: User name, Groups
- Snapshots - AWS EBS snapshots module (
Collects data about EBS snapshots. Such as: ID, Status, Size, Volume ID, Volume exists, Owner ID, Image ID.
- Volumes - AWS EBS volumes module (
Collects data about EBS volumes. Such as: ID, Attachment State, IOPS, Size, Create Time.
CSV - module to output to CSV file (
pureHTML - module to output to single HTML page (
XLSX - module to output to XLSX file (