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Windots - Windows Bootstrap Repo


For ease-of-use, set the WINDOTS_DIR env var to this abspath of this directory.

Bootstrap scripts

packages/ contains several bootstrap scripts that install tools using winget. Run them by double clicking on them or ./script_name.bat.


I use komorebi as my tiling window manager. Komorebi suggests using the whkd, but because my workflow requires that I rebind windows hotkeys, I use the more powerful AutoHotkey scripting language to manage hotkey registrations in komorebi.ahk

Run on Boot

  • Requirements:
    1. If you did not run the essentials.bat script, manually check:
      • komorebic.exe and komorebi.exe must be avaiable at C:\Program Files\komorebi\bin\ (default winget install location)
      • AutoHotkey.exe (v2, 64-bit) must be installed and available on $PATH
    2. Manual Step: Ensure the KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME var is set to %WINDOTS_DIR%\config\komorebi
    3. Manual Step: Set the KOMOREBI_AHK_EXE env var to the location of your AutoHotkey.exe. E.g. C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe or C:\Users\jdgonzalez\AppData\Local\Programs\AutoHotkey\v2\AutoHotkey64.exe
  • Once the requirements are met, to run komorebi on system boot simply copy komorebic_ahk_startup.exe.lnk to your windows startup dir (run Win-r + shell:startup).
    • On my workstation, this looks like C:\Users\dgonz\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  • Troubleshooting:


YASB is a nice multiplatform status bar written in python. YASB has native integration with komorebi, but it is under heavy development and I found it to be unstable so I removed it form the startup script.

To run YASB, first make sure to go through the installation and building instructions on the repo, then run the start_yasb.bat.

To get the proper icons, ensure that a Nerdfont is installed and specify it in styles.css (ctrl-f "font-family"). Default: MesloLGL Nerd Font


Ensure $WEXTERM_CONFIG_FILE points to the abspath of config/wezterm/dot_config/wezterm/wezterm.lua.


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