This is initial version of WoTClanStat. Russian version only.
First version was released by z13ii
Updated by merokoo and then ciklop1979
Working demo is here:
- Rename settings.kak.sample into settings.kak. Then change settings.kak You need to set there:
$host = "localhost"; // your mySQL server host
$account = "username"; // your mySQL username
$password = "passwd"; // your mySQL password
$dbname = "database_name"; // database name where all tables stored or will be stored
$wot_host = ""; // leave it unchanged if you plan use it on Russian cluster
// Next lines where you can set any number of your clans
// clan_id -- your clanid, main property which would be used for gathering information about your clan
// clan_tag -- your clan tag, will be shown as tab on the top of the page
// clan_name -- your clan name
$clan_array = array (
array("clan_id" => "102", "clan_tag" => "[SMPLC]", "clan_name" => "Sample clan"),
$hosttime = " +0 hour"; // timezone shift
$timetolife = 30; // time to life stat for each tank
$max_player_request=10; // количество одновременных запросов к серверам КВГ
After that you need to create mySQL tables. Tables structures located under mysql folder. main_db.sql - contains all tables which will be used for work cat_achiev.sql - contains all achievements in game
Setting up cron. It's easy. We need to run 3 script to update our database.
55 * * * * wget -O - -q http://YOUR.SITE.NAME/get_clanlist.php >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget -O - -q http://YOUR.SITE.NAME/get_global_mm.php >/dev/null 2>&1
*/20 * * * * wget -O - -q http://YOUR.SITE.NAME/get_wm_province.php >/dev/null 2>&1
Add these lines to your cron tab
- Files used in frontend by javascript
- ui_main_json.php - Clan Overview
- ui_boicy_json.php - Clan members
- ui_boicy_dmb_json.php - Ex-Clan members
- get_pls01_json.php - Stats: Overall / 30 days / 7 days
- get_pls02_json.php - Achievements and medals
- get_pls03_json.php - Overall stats on all your tanks
- get_pls07_json.php - Overall stats in 30 days
- get_pls06_json.php - Detailed stats in 30 days
- get_pls05_json.php - Hangar detailed stats in 7 days
- get_pls041_json.php - Stats by tanks types
- get_pls042_json.php - Stats by tanks country
- get_plnews1.php & get_plnews2.php - events for player
- get_news1(2,3).php - events for clan