Python implementation of Quaternion and Vector math for Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) as well as motion (acceleration, speed, position) estimation based on a Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) consisting of an accelerometer, gyroscope and optional magnetometer.
The geometry conventions used in this implementation are from a pilots point of view:
- x points forward (North), positive roll turns plane clockwise
- y points right (East), positive pitch points nose up
- z points down (Down), positive yaw turns nose right
The motion class has not yet been tested with hardware.
Download the library and pip3 install -e .
or omit the -e switch to install into python's site packages.
Contains pose sensor fusion based on Sebastian Madgwick dissertation work and work by Mario Garcia as well as work by Richardson Tech (RTIMU).
There is newer implementation based on an alternative approach in the Madgwick thesis which is implemented in C with a Python API.
Incremental sensor fusion to compute pose quaternion from accelerometer, gyroscope and optional magnetometer.
from pyIMU.madgwick import Madgwick
madgwick = Madgwick(frequency=150.0, gain=0.033)
madgwick = Madgwick(dt=1/150.0, gain_imu=0.033)
madgwick = Madgwick()
# provide time increment dt based on time expired between each sensor reading
madgwick.update(gyr=gyro_data, acc=acc_data, dt=0.01)
madgwick.update(gyr=gyro_data, acc=acc_data, mag=mag_data, dt=0.01)
# access the quaternion
# or take the return value of the update function
Motion estimation based on IMU data. The implementation is inspired by Gate tracking
from pyIMU.motion import motion
estimator = motion(declination=9.27, latitude=32.253460, altitude=730, magfield=47392.3)
timestamp = time.time()
estimator.update(acc=acc, gyr=gyr, mag=mag, timestamp=timestamp)
Contains Quaternion and Vector3d.
There are many implementations for quaternion math in python. This one is simple.
q = [w,x,y,z]
It supports operations with quaternion, ndarray, scalar, Vector3D
The operations supported are:
- add
- subtract
- multiply
- equal
- normalize
- conjugate
- inverse
- isZero
- extract vector or ndarray from quaternion
- convert to 3x3 rotation matrix
Vector class to support quaternions, rotations and manipulating sensor readings.
The class supports
- add
- subtract
- multiply
- potentiation
- equal
- less than
- min
- max
- abs
- normalize
- sum
- dot product
- cross product
- rotate with 3x3
- conversion vector to quaternion, ndarray
- clip
- clamp
- invSqrt (Do not use)
Running average filter providing average and variance.
- vector_angle2q: create quaternion based on rotation around vector
- q2rpy: Quaternion to Roll Pitch Yaw
- rpy2q: Roll Pitch Yaw to Quaternion
Estimated quaternion based on gravity and magnetometer readings and assumption sensor is not moving.
- accel2rpy convert accelerometer reading to roll pitch yaw
- accel2q convert accelerometer reading to quaternion
- accelmag2q: accelerometer and magnetometer reading to quaternion
- q2gravity: creates gravity vector on sensor frame based on quaternion
- sensorAcc: computes acceleration residuals (gravity subtracted acceleration) on sensor frame
- earthAcc: compute residuals on earth frame
- gravity: computes gravity constant based on latitude and altitude above sea level
- heading: tilt compensated heading from quaternion and magnetometer (not tested)