html5 pjax push state, html history api~
- Pjax 使用教程
- 使用MO.touch和MO.state的案例
- 使用MO.go的案例
- 用Pjax来开发web/H5/H5 APP,页面无刷新更新页面内容,
- 启用cache和localStorage缓存、本地存储机制,简单、好用、快速
- 无刷新、速度快,提供更好的用户体验!
- 引入pjax脚本文件到html文件,如果使用es6,请import并配置编译。
- Put the
file in your html, like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="./dist/mo.pjax.es5.js"></script>
#### Usage:
#### Api List:
1 `MO.go(aSelector, ctnSelector, onSuccess)`
这个是最简单和常用的api, 只需要go一下,传入2个参数即可,1个参数是点击后触发pjax的元素选择器,一般是a,第2个是更新返回内容的html 。第3个是回调函数,可选,默认空; Easy Mode Usage, aSelector is the a link you want to use pjax, and ctnSelector is the html container, onSuccess is callback when succeed.
如果要添加处理错误的函数,比如出现网络请求错误404等,可以在此设置捕获; you can deal error here by error-fn
MO.go('.ctn a', '#ttt',
function onSuccess(res, $aEle){
console.log(res, $aEle)
function onError(err, $aEle){
console.log(err, $aEle)
2 `MO.touch(apiUrl, title, onpopFn, _fetch=true)`
更强大和灵活的使用pjax, 可以定义 pjax的操作的url、回调、是否发起此url的网络请求等, 可以实现复杂交互和动画。通常与MO.state配合使用。同样可添加错误处理函数; Most flexible Usage , you can controll everything by this api, and it usually works with MO.state.
添加fail处理网络请求错误; You can add fail fn to deal with http request error:
MO.touch(apiUrl, title, onpopFn, _fetch=true)
.fail(function(err) {
console.log('There is an error', err)
3 `MO.define(ctn, htmlData)`
定义当前页面的state状态; Update Curretn History State immediately
4 `MO.state(url, title, onpopFn, _data=null, _fetch=false, _fire=false)`
详细定义当前页面state状态,以及是否请求次url, 和是否立刻触发onpopFn_fire
Update Current History State, if you want fire immediately ,just set `_fire=true`, and `_data` can be `null` ,which will be put to `onpopFn`
##### *说明
- 通过MO.touch和MO.state,可以做非常复杂的pjax 应用,自定义事件\UI等
- 如果要简单使用,就是直接 MO.go(), 传入你想要pjax的a元素的selector即可
- 配合启用cache/localStorage(默认都启用), 给用户更好操作体验,减少等待、卡顿
##### *Store Api
- 提供本地存储和自动过期机制,
- 过期时间通过MO.config({'storageExpires': xxx})来设定
- store/removeStore data in localStorage with auto expires feature,
- It will createt a item { k+'createdAt': (new Date).getTime() },
- and you can set the expire in MO.config({storageExpire: xxxx })
- store API:
````Javascript, v)
MO.removeStore(k, v)
##### 其他说明:
- `_fetch` 是否触发网络请求; means if send http request , if `_fetch=false`, it won't send http request and do not fetch network
- `_fire` 是否立刻执行回调函数; means trigger the onpop fn immediately ,will change current history state immediately
- 设置MO选项Config:
'type': 'POST',
// this can be used for you back-end ,to detect if it is a pjax request
'pjaxHeader': {
'X-Http-Pjax': 'Pjax'
- In fact ,you can set all below options 详细配置信息:
'type': 'POST',// post is default http请求方式
// if cache data, 是否缓存
'cache': true,
// 'cacheExpires': 10000, // 0 means always avaliable, default none 缓存时间
// if store data in localStorage , default true
'storage': true, //是否启用localStorage
'storageExpires': 43200000, // 12 hours ,default 12
// the res data type, default html
'dataType': 'html', //返回数据类型,默认html
// you can set your own header ,just use `pjaxHeader` opts,
// which you can detect if it is an pjax request in back-end
// 你可以自己定义请求头,方便后端判断是否是pjax请求,如果是pjax, 返回部分html, fragment
'pjaxHeader': {
'Http-Request-Pjax': 'Fragment'
// you can set the fn which will triggered before MO.touch and popstate event happened
// 触发pjax操作前和 出现popstate的事件时的事件函数, 参数是state,包含url、title等信息
before (state) { ... } //默认无
// you can set the beforeSend fn , before ajax request send.
// jquery的ajax方法调用,请求前设置请求头,可以覆盖
beforeSend (req){
let ph = this['pjaxHeader']
for (let h in ph ){
let v = ph[h]
req.setRequestHeader(h, v)
#### Example 实际使用举例:
##### html
<!-- Index.html 这个是index.html文件 -->
<div class="ctn">
<h3>Test Mo.pjax</h3>
<a href="/about.html">About</a>
<a href="/toxic.html">Toxic</a>
<div id="ttt" style="margin-top: 30px;">
<p>This is index html</p>
<!-- about.html 这个是about.html文件 -->
<div>This is about html</div>
<!-- toxic.html 这个是toxic.html文件 -->
<div>This is toxic html</div>
##### JS 代码
- just :
`MO.go('.ctn a', '#ttt')`
- so easy! 搞定