Dochizame is frida based GUI inspector suite for pentester
- Intercept almost every C/C++ based function from your smartphone
- Also Modify argument values and return value
- Modify values synchronusly with GUI editor
- Dynamically intercept and release
Below open source projects are used for dochizame working properly :
- [frida] - Hooking tool
- [frida-qml] - Frida's Qt wrapper
- [Qt5] - Multiplatform Qt GUI library
- [Qt Creator] - Qt IDE for user interface design
- [xcode] - Apple's developer tool
- [node.js] - Javascript runtime
Open project on Qt Creator and just compile it
(on Android )
$gcc -o native target/native.c
$adb put native /data/local/tmp/
$adb shell
android$ cd /data/local/tmp
android$ chmod 755 native
android $./native
(on your PC)
Open (if on Mac)
Choose process (select device & process )
- Choose module (select module & write function address)
- Modify values
- Check result
Seunghyun Seo